Đề luyện thi vào Lớp 10 chuyên Tiếng Anh - Đề 52 (Có đáp án)

Question I: Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence. (15 pts)

6. Never ______ till tomorrow what you can do today­­ .

A. put out                                                B. put off                                             C. put away                D. put down

7. John’s score on the test is the highest in the class;______ .

A. he should study last night                                                           B. he should have studied last night

C. he must have studied last night                                        D. he must have to study last night

8. The company received______complaints about the quality of its products.

A. continual                                  B. continued                              C. continuous                               D. continuing

9. Mai is______of the two sisters.

A. as beautiful as                                                                             B. more beautiful             

C. the more beautiful                                        D. the most beautiful

10. Many lists of “Wonders of the World” ______during the Middle Ages.

A. said to be existed                                                                        B. are said to exist

C. said to exist                                                                                                                          D. are said to have existed

11. The weather is going to change soon; I feel it in my ______.

A. body                                                    B. legs                                                                       C. skin                                                             D. bones

12.The workers have gone on strike.   ______, all production has ceased.

A. So that                                                 B. Therefore                                C. Because                                      D. Now that

13.Do you expect there will be a lot of _______ to the project from the local community?

A. rejections                      B. disapproval                                      C. disagreement                     D. objections

doc 8 trang Thúy Anh 03/08/2023 2160
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  1. ENGLISH PRACTICE 52 PART A: PHONETICS (5 pts) Question I: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in the same line. (2 pts) 1. A. chamber B. ancient C. danger D. ancester 2. A. looked B. learned C. stopped D. laughed Question II: Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three words in each question. (3 pts) 3. A. appropriate B. expectation C. accomplished D. invaluable 4. A. prohibit B. separate C. president D. elephant 5. A. assimilate B. committee C.tomorrow D. relative PART B: VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR (45 pts) Question I: Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence. (15 pts) 6. Never ___ till tomorrow what you can do today . A. put out B. put off C. put away D. put down 7. John’s score on the test is the highest in the class;___ . A. he should study last night B. he should have studied last night C. he must have studied last night D. he must have to study last night 8. The company received___complaints about the quality of its products. A. continual B. continued C. continuous D. continuing 9. Mai is___of the two sisters. A. as beautiful as B. more beautiful C. the more beautiful D. the most beautiful 10. Many lists of “Wonders of the World” ___during the Middle Ages. A. said to be existed B. are said to exist C. said to exist D. are said to have existed 11. The weather is going to change soon; I feel it in my ___. A. body B. legs C. skin D. bones 12.The workers have gone on strike. ___, all production has ceased. A. So that B. Therefore C. Because D. Now that 13.Do you expect there will be a lot of ___ to the project from the local community? A. rejections B. disapproval C. disagreement D. objections 14. ___ handball is fast becoming ___ popular sport worldwide. A. The/ the B. Φ/ a C. A/ Φ D. Φ/ the 15. The size and shape of a nail depend primarily on the function ___ intended. A. which it is B. for which it C. which it is for D. for which is 16. But for the fog, we___ our destination ages ago. A. would have reached B. would reach C. reached D. had reached 17. Nam: “ I'm having some friends over for lunch this Saturday. Would you like to join us?”
  2. Huong: “___”. A. Can I take a rain check? B. Come on. It's your turn. C. Thanks, but I musn't D. As a matter of fact, I do. 18. Tom: “Wasn't it Mozart who composed Swan Lake?” Jane: “___.” A. Yes, he wasn't B. It's out of question C. I haven't a clue D. It's not my favourite 19. Water polo is played in a pool. It is played ___a ball and people play it ___a team. A. by/ in B. in/with C. within/ by D. with/in 20. I wonder if they have that dress in my size. I ___ a size 10. A. make B. have C. take D. get Question II: The following passage contains 10 mistakes. Find and correct them (10 pts) (Questions 21-30) line 1 Once when I was a teenager, I had gone to my Aunt Leah’s house. Aunt Leah collected pottery, and when I got there, she told me that she wants to show me her new bowl. She told she has just bought it. It was beautiful. When Aunt Leah went to answer the door; I picked up the bowl. It slipped from my hands 5 and smashed to pieces on the floor.When Aunt came back, I screamed and said what the cat had just broken your new bowl. Aunt Leah got this funny look on her face and told me that it isn’t important. I didn’t sleep at all that night, and the next morning, I called my aunt and confessed that I have broken her bowl. She said I had known that all along. I promised that I am going to buy her a 10 new one someday. We still laugh at the story today. Question III: Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate form. (10 pts) 31. It is crucial that English (teach) ___ in a more practical way. 32. Without my parents’ financial support, I (not,be) ___ so successful now. 33. My children enjoy (allow) ___ to stay up late when there is something special on television. 34. I didn’t do the test well. I (prepare) ___ it very carefully at home. 35. The cowboy (wound) ___ by an arrow fell of the horse. 36. Nam: "The maintenance people didn't remove the chairs from the ballroom." Huong: "Don't worry. They (move) ___ them before the dance begins." 37-38. It’s high time the local government (do) ___something about the sewage system which (not upgrade) ___ for years. 39- 40. Come on, Hoa. I want to show you something. - Oh how nice of you! I (never think) ___ you (bring) ___ me a gift. Question IV: Put each word in brackets into an appropriate form. (10 pts) 41. All those foreign visitors can speak Vietnamese very well. There will be a big ___to have a translator here. USEFUL 42. Katherine Curtis's water ballet club attracted both national and international ___ . PUBLIC
  3. 43. The ___ of books were the hand-written books since centuries BC, including clay tablets, wood or bamboo tablets tied with cord. RUN 44. The doctor gave him an injection to ___ the pain. DIE 45. According to Dr. Davis, the ___ population is mushrooming as our general health improves. CENTENARY 46. A century ago average life ___ in Europe was 45, today it is 70. EXPECT 47. Because of the nuclear leakage, a large area of land needs ___ . CONTAMINATE 48. If your luggage is very ___ , you’ll have to pay an excess charge. WEIGH 49. If your terms are ___, we may consider placing regular orders. SATISFY 50. He talked ___ of the past and his youth. ROMANTIC PART C: READING COMPREHENSION (30 pts) Question I: Read the following passage and then choose the most suitable word or phrase for each space. (10 pts) Reference books are not designed to be read from the first page to the last but rather to be consulted to answer the questions and provide both general and specific pieces of information. One of the most (51. ___ ) -used reference books is a dictionary, which provides information about words. It lists meanings and spellings, (52. ___ ) how a word is pronounced, gives (53. ___ ) of how it is used, may reveal its origins and also lists synonyms and (54. ___ ). To help you find the words faster, there are guide words at the top of each page showing the first and last words on that page - and of course it (55. ___ ) to know the alphabet! There may be numerous special sections at the back with (56. ___ ) about famous people and places, lists of dates and scientific names, etc. There is usually a section at the front (57. ___ ) how to use the dictionary, which includes the special abbreviations or signs. An atlas is also a reference book and (58. ___ ) charts, tables and geographical facts, as well as maps. Political maps locate countries and cities, physical maps show the formation of the land with its mountains and valleys, and economic maps show industries and agriculture. To find a specific place, you need to look in the (59. ___ ) at the back of the atlas and the exact position on the map. There are numerous map (60. ___ ) that you need to know in order to be able to read a m ap-almost like a special language-and these are explained at the front of the atlas. 51. A. greatly B. widely C. mainly D. largely 52. A. speaks B. tells C. says D. gives 53. A. evidence B. roof C. examples D. cases 54. A. antonyms B. closest C. oposite D. controversies 55. A. assists B. pays C. helps D. works 56. A. events B. stories C. facts D. materials 57. A. explaining B. interpreting C. suggesting D. presenting 58. A. includes B. contains C. consists D. composes 59. A. index B. preface C. complement D. foreword 60. A. marks B. signs C. signals D. symbols
  4. Question II: Supply the most suitable word for each blank. (10 pts) I was reading an article last week in which the writer described ___61___ her children has changed as they grow up. When they were small she had to ___62___ up with noisy games in the house or join in interminable games of football in the garden which wore her out. If the house went quiet, she wondered what the monsters were getting up to, or what crisis she would have to ___63___ with next. She dreaded the fact that they might ___64___ after her husband, who admitted having ___65___ an uncontrollable child who ___66___ most of time showing off to his friends by breaking things or getting into fights. What was worse was that everyone else thought he was ___ 67___sweet child, and he got away with the most terrible things. However, she had experienced an even greater shocked with her children. They had ___68___ out as chess and playing the piano. They never did anything ___69___ talking it over first, and coming to a serious decision. She had to face up to the fact that they made her feel rather childish as they got ___70___, and that in some ways she preferred them when they were young and noisy Question III: Read the passage and choose the best answers to questions below. (10 pts) There is a common expression in English language referring to a blue moon. When people say that something happens “only once in a blue moon”, they mean that it happens only very rarely, once in a great while. This expression has been around for at least a century and a half. There are references to this expressions that date Line 5 from the second half of the nineteenth century. The expression “a blue moon” has come to refer to the second full moon occurring in any given calendar month. A second full moon is not called a blue moon because it is particularly blue or is any different in the hue from the first full moon of the month. In stead, it is called a blue moon because it is so rare. The moon needs a Line 10 little more than 29 days to complete the cycle from full moon to full moon. Because every month except February has more than 29 days, every month will have at least one full moon (except February, which will have a full moon unless there is a full moon at the very end of January and another full moon at the very beginning of March). It is on the occasion when a given calendar month has a second full moon Line 15 that a blue moon occurs. This does not happen very often, only three or four times a decade. The blue moons of today are called blue moons because of their rarity and not because of their color; however, the expression “blue moon” may have come into existence in reference to unusual circumstances in which the moon actually Line 20 appeared blue. Certain natural phenomena of gigantic proportions can actually change the appearance of the moon from the Earth. The eruption of the Krakatao volcano in 1883 left dust particles in the atmosphere, which clouded the sun and gave the moon a bluish tint. This particular occurrence of the blue moon may have given rise to the expression that we use today. Another example occurred more than Line 25 a century later. When Mount Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines in 1991, the moon again took on a blue tint. 71. This passage is about___ .
  5. A. an idiomatic expression B. an unusual color C. a month on the calendar D. a phase of the moon 72. How long the expression “once in a blue moon” been around? A. For around 50 years B. For less than 100 years C. For more than 100 years D. For 200 years. 73. A blue moon could best be described as ___ . A. a full moon that is not blue in color B. a new moon that is blue in color C. a full moon that is blue in color D. a new moon that is not blue in color 74. The word “hue” in line 8 is closest in meaning to ___ . A. shape B. date C. color D. size 75. Which of the following might be the date of a blue moon? A. January 1st B. February 28th C. April 15th D. December 31st 76. How many blue moons would there most likely be in a century? A. 4 B. 35 C. 70 D. 100 77. According to the passage, the moon actually looked blue ___ . A. after large volcanic eruptions B. when it occurred late in the month C. several times a year D. during the month of February 78. The expression “given rise to” in line 24 could be best replaced by ___ . A. created a need for B. elevated the level of C. spurred the creation of D. brighten the color of 79. Where in the passage does the author describe the duration of a lunar cycle? A. line 1- 3 B. line 6-7 C. line 9-10 D. line 13 – 15 80. In which paragraph does the author mention the two blue moons which were blue in color? A. Paragraph 1 B. Paragraph 2 C. Paragraph 3 D. Paragraph 1 and 3. PART D: WRITING (20 pts) Question I: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it. (5 pts) 81. If I were you, I wouldn’t tell anybody about the discovery. You had ___. 82. It is thought that the Prime Minister is considering raising taxes. The Prime Minister ___. 83. I was very annoyed by his refusal to listen to reason. What ___. 84. The company have been reviewing their recruitment policy for the last three months. The company’s recruitment policy has ___. 85. I realy like her voice but not her choice of songs. Much ___.
  6. Question II: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it. Do not change the form of the given word. (5 pts) 86. I am telling you this for you not to make a mistake. FEAR ___. 87. I'd rather you didn't stay long at the party. BETTER ___. 88. I now think differently about this matter. MIND ___. 89. I am going to write and complain to the council. COMPLAINT ___. 90. She was just as good as they had thought. CAME ___. Question III. Essay writing (10 pts): Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “All children should learn at least one foreign language at school”? Write an essay ( about 150 to 200 words) to express your personal point of view. THE END
  7. KEYS – PRACTICE 52 PART A: PHONETICS (5 điểm – Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm) 1.D 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.D PART B: VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR (45 điểm) ( Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm, riêng bài sửa lỗi, nếu tìm được lỗi mà sửa không đúng thì cho 0.5 điểm) Question I. 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.D 11.D 12.B 13.D 14.B 15.B 16.A 17.A 18.C 19.D 20.C Question II. MISTAKES CORRECTIONS MISTAKES CORRECTIONS 21. had gone went 26. isn’t wasn’t 22. wants wanted 27. have broken had broken 23. has had 28. I she 24. what that 29. am was 25. your her 30. at about Question III 31. be taught/ should be taught 36. will have moved 32. would not be. 37. did 33. being allowed 38. has not been upgraded 34. should have prepared 39 never thought 35. wounded 40. were going to bring/would bring Question IV 41. uselessness 42. publicity 43. forerunners 44. deaden 45. centenarian 46. expectancy 47.decontaminating 48. overweight 49. satisfactory 50. romantically PART C: READING COMPREHENSION (30 pts) ( Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm) Question I 51.B 52.B 53.C 54.A 55.C
  8. 56.C 57.A 58.B 59.A 60.D Question II. 61. how 62. put 63. deal 64. take 65. been 66. spent 67. a 68. grown 69. without 70. older Question III. 71.A 72.C 73.A 74.C 75.D 76.B 77.A 78.C 79.C 80.C PART D: WRITING (20 pts) Question I (5 điểm- Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm) 81. You had better not tell anybody about the discovery. 82. The Prime Minister is thought to be considering raising taxes. 83. What really annoyed me was his refusal to listen to reason. 84. The company’s recruitment policy has been under review for the last three months. 85. Much as I like her voice, I don’t like her choice of songs. Question II (5 điểm- Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm) 86. I am telling you this for fear that you might make a mistake. 87. It would be better if you didn't stay long at the party. 88. I've changed my mind about this matter. 89. I intend to make a written complaint to the council. 90. She came up to their expectations. Question III. Essay: (10 điểm) Marking criteria: + Task completion (4 điểm) Tuỳ theo khả năng hoàn thành về bố cục và những yêu cầu nội dung cho mỗi phần ( mở bài,thân bài,kết luận) giám khảo có thể chấm từ 1-4 điểm. + Grammatical accuracy and spelling 3 điểm: bài viết không có lỗi chính tả và từ ba lỗi ngữ pháp trở xuống được cho 3 điểm tối đa. Cứ 4 lỗi chính tả hoặc ngữ pháp trừ 1 điểm (Trừ không quá 3 điểm). - Coherence and cohesion (tính mạch lạc và sự liên kết câu, đoạn) – 3 điểm: Tùy mức độ mạch lạc, liên kết câu, liên kết đoạn của bài viết, giám khảo có thể chấm 1-3 điểm. B- HƯỚNG DẪN CHẤM: Bài thi chấm theo thang điểm: 20 Điểm bài thi làm tròn đến 0,25 Tổng số point thí sinh làm đúng Điểm bài thi = 5