Đề luyện thi vào Lớp 10 chuyên Tiếng Anh - Đề 64 (Có đáp án)

Question 2: Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence ( 15points)

1. Are there enough apples for us to have one .............. ?

A. every                                     B. each                                                    C. self                            D. individually

2. We must .............. our pounds for dollars before going to New York.

A. change                                  B. convert                                  C. turn                           D. exchange

3. Who is the .................... of this company?

A. top                                         B. head                                       C. leader                       D. minister

4. That book is by a famous anthropologist. It’s about the people in Samoa .............. for two years.

A. that she lived                                                              B. that she lived among them

C. among whom she lived                                             D. where she lived among them

5. The old man serves the ball so skilfully. He ..................... a good tennis player when young.

A. can be                                   B. must be                                 C. could be                   D. must have been

6. Instead of thingking carefully, he tends to .................... conclusions.

A. run at                                     B. jump to                                  C. fly into                     D. hit on

7. Can you really insure yourself .............. unemployment?

A. for                                          B. from                                       C. to                               D. against

8. I love this painting of an old man. He has such a beautiful, .............. smile.

A. childhood                             B. childish                                 C. childless                  D. childlike

9. ............... more help, I could call my neighbour.

A. Should I need                      B. Needed                                  C. I have needed          D. I should need

10. ............... alone in ................. dark, deserted street is risky.

A. Walk/so                                B. Walking/so                           C. Walking such a       D. Walked/such

11. I shall do the job to the best of my .................. .

A. capacity                                B. ability                                    C. knowledge               D. talent

12. Phone me before ten, .............. I’ll be too busy to talk to you.

A. unless                                    B. whether                                 C. otherwise                 D. if

13. To get a passport, you must send in your birth ................ and two photos.

A. certificate                             B. licence                                  C. paper                        D. card

14. Dinosaurs are thought to ............... out millions of years ago.

A. die                                         B. have died                              C. having died             D. dying

15. A: Do you think you’ll get the job? – B: ………….

A. I know so                              B. Well, I hope so                    C. . I think so               D. Yes, that’s right

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  1. ENGLISH PRACTICE 64 Question 1: a. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in the same line. ( 3points) 1. A. thereafter B. therapy C. thesis D. theft 2. A. accuse B. because C. surprised D. nurse 3. A. chorus B. cherish C. chaos D. scholarship b. Pick out the word that has the stress syllable differently fromthat of the other words.(2points) 4. A. extensive B. decorate C. distinguish D. acquaintance 5. A. significant B. ability C. political D. sympathetic Question 2: Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence ( 15points) 1. Are there enough apples for us to have one ? A. every B. each C. self D. individually 2. We must our pounds for dollars before going to New York. A. change B. convert C. turn D. exchange 3. Who is the of this company? A. top B. head C. leader D. minister 4. That book is by a famous anthropologist. It’s about the people in Samoa for two years. A. that she lived B. that she lived among them C. among whom she lived D. where she lived among them 5. The old man serves the ball so skilfully. He a good tennis player when young. A. can be B. must be C. could be D. must have been 6. Instead of thingking carefully, he tends to conclusions. A. run at B. jump to C. fly into D. hit on 7. Can you really insure yourself unemployment? A. for B. from C. to D. against 8. I love this painting of an old man. He has such a beautiful, smile. A. childhood B. childish C. childless D. childlike 9. more help, I could call my neighbour. A. Should I need B. Needed C. I have needed D. I should need 10. alone in dark, deserted street is risky. A. Walk/so B. Walking/so C. Walking such a D. Walked/such 11. I shall do the job to the best of my . A. capacity B. ability C. knowledge D. talent 12. Phone me before ten, I’ll be too busy to talk to you. A. unless B. whether C. otherwise D. if 13. To get a passport, you must send in your birth and two photos. A. certificate B. licence C. paper D. card 14. Dinosaurs are thought to out millions of years ago. A. die B. have died C. having died D. dying 15. A: Do you think you’ll get the job? – B: . A. I know so B. Well, I hope so C. . I think so D. Yes, that’s right Question 3: Use the correct forms of the verbs in brackets (10points) 1. Where have you been, Tom? Look at your face! You are a sight! - Mummy, you ( always grumble). 2. With this promotion, I feel that I (reach) a turning point in my career. 3. (convince) that they (try) to poison him, he refused to eat anything. 4. Why didn't you tell me you could lend me the money? I ( not borrow) it from the bank. 5. I don't mind you (borrow) my laptop, but I'd sooner you (ask) me first. 6. Unfortunately tomorrow's match (call off). 7. Do you realize that if the workmen are still there on Monday, they (dig) up the road for a whole month? 1
  2. 8. She can't bear (leave) alone. Question 4: Fill each blank with the correct form of the words given. (10points) 1. There is a living-room, with French windows. SPACE 2. I thought the test was . easy, actually. COMPARE 3. The driver who gave us a lift refused to accept PAY 4. This statue . the soldiers who died in the war. MEMORY 5. We had to take out a . . from the bank to buy the car. LEND 6. I find computers rather cold and PERSON 7. I think there is too much on T.V ADVERTISE 8. Jim is one of the most members of the committee. SPEAK 9. The car in front braked and I ran into it. EXPECT 10. He wanted to escape from the of the small town where he had PROVINCE been brought up Question 5: Read the following passage and then choose the most suitable word for each space. (10 points) Technology When faced with some new and possibly bewildering technological change, most people react in one of two .(1). They either recoil from anything new, claiming that it is unnecessary, or too complicated or that it somehow makes life less than .(2). Or they learn to (3) to the new invention, and eventually (4) how they could possibly have existed without it. Take computers as an example. For many of us, they still represent a .(5) to our freedom, and give us a frightening sense of a future in which all .(6) will be taken by machines. This may be because they seem mysterious, and diffcult to understand. Ask most people what you can use a home computer for, and you usually get .(7) answers about how ‘they give you information’. In fact, even those of us who are familiar with computers, and use them in our daily work, have very little idea of how they work. But it does not take long to learn how to operate a business programme, even if things occasionally go wrong for no apparent reason. Presumably much the same happened when the telephone and the television became .(8). What seems to alarm most people is the speed of technological change, rather than change itself. And the .(9) that are made to new technology may well have a point to them, since change is not always an improvement. As discover during power cuts, there is a lot to be said for the oil lamp, the coal fire, and forms of entertainment, such as books or board games, that don’t have to be (10) in to work. 1. A. moments B. kinds C. ways D. types 2. A. formerly B. lively C. personal D. human 3. A. adapt B. react C. conform D. use 4. A. decide B. wonder C. suppose D. admit 5. A. hazard B. risk C. control D. threat 6. A. measures B. decisions C. chances D. instructions 7. A. vague B. such C. up with D. hundreds 8. A. in existence B widespread C. through D. extensive 9. A. objections B appliances C. criticisms D. fears 10. A. wired B batteries C. plugged D. connected Question 6: Supply the most suitable word for each blank (10 points) People who are deprived (1) sleep lose energy and become quick-tempered. (2) two days without sleep, a person finds that lengthy concentration (3) difficult. He can force himself to (4) tasks well for short periods, but he is (5) distracted. He makes many mistakes especially at routine tasks, and his attention slips (6) times. Even a "sleepless" person experiences periods in which he dozes off for a few seconds or more. He falls completely asleep (7)he is kept active continuously. Persons who go without sleep for more than three days have great (8)___ thinking, seeing, and hearing clearly. They have periods of hallucinations during (9) .they see things that do not really exist. They also confuse day dreams with real life and (10) .track of their thoughts in the middle of a 2
  3. sentence. Question 7: Read the article about endangered species. For questions 1-10, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. (10 points) The word laser was coined as an acronym for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Ordinary light, from the Sun or a light bulb, is emitted spontaneously, when atoms or molecules get rid of excess energy by themselves, with out any outside intervention. Stimulated emission is different because it occurs when an atom or molecule holding onto excess energy has been stimulates to emit it as light Albert Einstein was the first to suggest the existence of stimulated emission in a paper published in 1917. However, for many years physicists thought that atoms and molecules always were much more likely to emit light spontaneously and that stimulates emission thus always would be much weaker. It was not until after the Second World War that physicists began trying to make stimulated emission dominate. They sought ways by which one stomp or molecule could stimulate many others to emit light, amplifying it to much higher powers. The first to succeed was Charles H. Townes, then at Columbia University in New York. Instead of working with light, however, he worked with microwaves, which have a much longer wavelength, and built a device ha called a “maser,” for Microwave Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Although he thought of the key idea in 1951, the first maser was not complete until a couple of years later. Before long, many other physicists were building masers and trying to discover how to produce stimulated emission at even shorted wavelengths. The key concepts emerged about 1957. Townes and Arthur Schawlow, then at Bell Telephone Laboratories, wrote a long paper outlining the conditions needed to amplify stimulated emission of visible light waves. At about the same time, similar ideas crystallized in the mind if Gordon Gould, then a 37- years-old graduate student at Columbia, who wrote them down in a series of notebook. Townes and Schawlow published their ideas in a scientific journal, Physical Review Letters, but Gould files a patent application. Three decades later, people still argue about who deserved the credit for the concept of the laser. 1. The word “coined” in line I could best be replaced by ___ A. created B. mentioned C. understood D. discovered 2. The word “intervention” in the first paragraph can best be replaced by ___ A. need B. device C. influence D. source 3. The word “it” in the last line of the first paragraph refers to ___ A. light bulb B. energy C. molecule D. atom 4. Which of the following statements best describes a laser? A. A device for stimulating atoms and molecules to emit light. B. An atom in a high-energy state C. A technique for destroying atoms or molecules D. An instrument for measuring light waves 5. Why was Townes’ early work with stimulated emission done with microwaves? A. He was not conversed with light amplification B. It was easier to work with longer wavelengths C. His parents Schawlow had already begun work on the laser D. The laser had already been developed 6. In his research at Columbia University, Charles Townes worked with all of the following EXCEPT A. stimulated emission B. microwaves C. light amplification D. a maser 7. In approximate what year was first maser built? A. 1917 B. 1951 C. 1953 D. 1957 8. The word “emerged” in paragraph 4 is closet in meaning to ___ A. increased B. concluded C. succeeded D. appeared 9. The word “outlining” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ___ . A. assigning B. studying C. checking D. summarizing 10. Why do people still argue about who deserves the credit for the concept of the laser ? A. The researchers notebooks were lost 3
  4. B. Several people were developing the idea at the same time C. No one claimed credit for the development until recently D. The work is still incomplete Question 8: There is ten mistakes in following sentences. Find and correct them.(10points) My cousin and her husband lived in one of the suburbs of London.One morning they woke up to find at their dismay that their car had been stolen from outside their house. They immediately phoned the police to report the thief before left for work by bus. When they returned home later the same day, they found that their car brought back and was parked in its common place outside their house. Under one of the windscreen wiper was a small envelope. They quickly opened it and found a note to apologize profusely for "borrowing" their car. The man who wrote it explained that he didn't have the car itself, and his wife had gone into labour in the middle of the night with their first baby. So he hoped they wouldn't mind too much that he had taken their cars without their permission in order to run her to the hospital as it was anything of an emergency. Question 9: a.Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. ( 5 points ) 1. These young men became engineers after five years training. -> After these young men 2. Under no circumstances should you phone the police. -> The last 3. It was the goalkeeper that saved the match for us. -> Had 4. This is the quickest way to get into the city. -> There is 5. The instructions say you just add boiling water to the soup powder. -> The soup powder b. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. (5 points) 1. It has always been her ambition to write a successful novel. dreamt -> She a successful novel. 2. I met her while I was staying in Paris last summer. stay -> I met her in Paris last summer. 3. You got lost because you didn't do what I told you. instructions -> If you wouldn't have got lost. 4. I'll only leave the waiter some money if he's quick. tip -> I won't he's quick. 5. Our neighbour says he definitely won't return the ball. keeping -> Our neighbour says he the ball. Questions 10: Writing an essay about 200 words ( 10 points) Nowadays, computers are an important part of most people’s everyday lives. This change has improved the way people live.To what extent do you agree or disagree? 4
  5. KEYS: Question 1: a. 1.A 2.D 3.B b. 4.B 5.D Question 2: 1.B 2.D 3. B 4. C 5.D 6. B 7. D 8.D 9. A 10.C 11. B 12.C 13.A 14. B 15.B Question 3: 1. are always grumbling 5. borrowing, had asked 2.have reached 6. has been called off 3.convinced, were trying 7. will have been digging 4. needn't have borrowed 8. to be left (being left) Question 4: 1. spacious 6. impersonal 2. comparatively 7.advertising 3.payment 8. outspoken 4.commemorates 9.unexpectedly 5.loan 10. provincialism Question 5: 1.C 2. D 3A 4. B 5.D 6. B 7. A 8. B 9.A 10.C Question 6: 1.of 2. after 3. becomes 4. perform 5.easily 6. at 7. unless 8. difficulty 9. which 10. lose Question 7: 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.B Question 8: 1. at -> to 6.wiper-> wipers 2. thief -> theft 7. to apologize -> apologizing 3. left -> leaving 8. itself -> himself 4. brought -> had been brought 9. car -> cars 5.common -> usual 10.anything ->something Question 9: a. 1. After these young men had been trained for five years, they became engineers 2. The last thing you should do is to phone the police. 3. Had it not been for the goalkeeper, we would have lost the match. 4. There is no quicker way than this to get into the city. 5. The soup powder just needs boiling water added to it according to the instructions b. 1. She has always dreamt of writing a successful novel. 2. I met her during my stay in Paris last summer 3. If you had followed my instructions,you wouldn't have got lost. 4. I won't tip the waiter unless he's quick. 5. Our neighbour says he is definitely keeping the ball. Question 10: - Đảm bảo cấu trúc viết Writing Argument Essay 5
  6. Structures Introduction: - Introducing the topic. - Giving background information and Narrowing the topic. - Giving your point of view and mentioning the main areas covered in the essay. Body: - Reason 1 (with 2 supporting ideas). - Reason 2 (with 2 supporting ideas). - Reason 3 (with 2 supporting ideas). Conclusion: - Restate your point of view. - Summary is required. Vì bài viết chỉ yêu cầu viết khoảng 200 từ nên ta chỉ lấy ý chính để viết. Còn dưới đây là bài viết chi tiết. A. INTRODUCTION: *Introducing the topic - Đầu tiên, chúng ta cần xác định Chủ đề của đề bài là gì? Theo đàu bài “The changes computers have on our lives”. Như vậy, câu đầu tiên ta có thể viết: • The changes computers have on our lives has become a source of controversy over the years. • Without a doubt, computers have changed the way people live. * Giving background information and Narrowing the topic - Ở đây, bạn giới hạn lại topic đã đưa ra (The changes computers have on our lives). Hướng giới hạn ở đây ta dựa vào đề bài: This change has improved the way people live. Đó là sự đánh giá (tốt, xấu, tích cực, tiêu cực) về những thay đổi mà máy tính tạo nên cho đời sống con người. Như vậy, đề bài sẽ được giới hạn về vấn đề “Evaluating the quality of those changes” Từ đó, câu văn tiếp theo có thể là: • Evaluating the quality of those changes is less clear and is subject to individual opinions and attitudes. • People have many different ways of evaluationg these changes. * Giving your point of view and mentioning the main areas covered in the essay Ở đây, đưa ra quan điểm của mình, tức là hoặc đồng ý, hoặc không đồng ý, hoặc chỉ một phần đồng ý. Ở đây có lẽ cách chọn khôn ngoan nhất là “partly agree/disagree”. Tức là chỉ đồng ý/không đồng ý một phần, vì rõ ràng tác động của máy tính lên đời sống con người vừa có những mặt tích cực vừa có những mặt tiêu cực. Với đề bài này, ta sẽ chọn cách tiếp cận đó là: Sự tác động của máy tính chủ yếu là tích cực; tuy nhiên cũng có một số vấn đề đáng quan tâm. Từ đó, câu văn cuối cùng của mở bài có thể là: 6
  7. “Based on my experiences and observations, I think that, on the balance, computers have improved most people’s lives; however, the benefits should be seen in light of a few substantial problems” Tuy nhiên, nếu bạn chọn hướng thứ hai: Máy tính chủ yếu tác động tiêu cực lên cuộc sống con người; tuy nhiên, cũng có những tác động tích cực cần chú ý, ta có thể viết: “Based on my experiences and observations, I think that, on the balance, computers have harm most people’s lives; however, the drawbacks should be seen in light of a few substantial benefit” - Linking words: on the balance, however. - Expressions for giving your point of view: Based on my experiences and observations, I think that. - Cautious language: should be seen. - Synonyms: problems and drawbacks. - Antonyms: improve and harm. - Phrases like “in light of” Như vậy, ta đã có một mở bài hoàn chỉnh: Without a doubt, computers have changed the way people live. Evaluating the quality of those changes is less clear and is subject to individual opinions and attitudes. Based on my experiences and observations, I think that, on the balance, computers have improved most people’s lives; however, the benefits should be seen in light of a few substantial problems. B. BODY: Sau đây là ba đoạn văn trong phần thân bài. Đoạn một và hai nói về những tác động tích cực, đoạn ba nói về tác động tiêu cực. First Body Paragraph: (Topic sentence) To begin with, computers have substantially improved people’s lives. (Supporting Idea 1)Needless to say, increased access to information is one of the most evident ways computers have changed the way we live. (Example: From work, to hobbies, to learning about world events and scientific advancements, the Internet has given people immediate access to information that was previously difficult or even impossible to get). (Expanding: With more and better information, we can make smarter decisions.) (Supporting Idea 2) Another beneficial change to people’s lives that can be directly attributed to computers is that of better communication technologies. (Example: These include the most personal exchanges carried out via email or instant messaging, to the most complex communication satellite systems that allow us to watch a World Cup game live from the other side of the world.) Second Body Paragraph: (Topic sentence) Moreover, on top of these advances in our ability to obtain information and communicate, computers facilitate everyday business, transactions and government conferencing. (Expanding 1: People nowadays can do business online, which saves them a lot of time and money.) (Example 1: Online systems allow people to do their banking, pay the bills, and even buy a new wardrobe without having to leave home or even putting pen to paper).(Expanding 2: Similarly, goverment conferencing can take place online with no need to travel long distances to attend meetings). (Example 2: 7
  8. This form of meeting is becoming more and more popular in many countries.) (Concluding) Thus, since the advent of computers, people’s lives have changed a lot in a positive way. Third body paragraph: (Topic sentence) Some observers might say this all sounds great, yet there are downsides to the computer revolution that lessen some of the appeal of these benefits, if only slightly. (Supporting idea 1) The most prominent is physical problems. (Expanding 1: If people spend so much time at their computers, they do not get enough exercise, which can lead to numerous health problems). (Supporting idea 2) Psychollogically , with too much time spent sitting in front of computers, they do not develop healthy interpersonal skills. (Example 2: Increases in depression and violence are two visible effects of this problem.) C. CONCLUSION: (Summary) It is far from clear where the changes computers have brought to our lives will eventually take us. Like all new technology, computers bring mixed blessings to peole’s everyday lives. (Opinion) At present, I believe the benefitsoutweigh the negative consequences. 8