Đề thi thử vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - Đề số 1 - Năm học 2021-2022 - Trường THCS Trần Phú (Có đáp án)

IPick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from those of the other words

1. A. latter                                 B. label                          C. ladder                                    D. latitude

2. A. pour                                  B. roar                           C. flour                                       D. soar

3. A. chase                                 B. purchase                  C. bookcase                              D. suitcase

4. A. thread                                B. feather                      C. bread                                     D. bead

5. A. prepare                             B. preface                     C. preparation                           D. prejudice 

II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is differently from those of the other words. 

6. A. amphibian                        B. champagne              C. cathedral                               D. creature

7. A. accommodation              B. antibiotic                 C. counterclockwise                D. deforestation

8. A. consciousness                 B. ecotourism              C. biosphere                              D. confirm

9. A. architectural                    B. cosmopolitan          C. appreciative                         D. archeologist

10. A. consolidate                    B. context                     C. conference                           D. confidence

docx 10 trang Huệ Phương 21/03/2023 3880
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Nội dung text: Đề thi thử vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - Đề số 1 - Năm học 2021-2022 - Trường THCS Trần Phú (Có đáp án)

  1. Đề số 1 I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from those of the other words. 1. A. latter B. label C. ladder D. latitude 2. A. pour B. roar C. flour D. soar 3. A. chase B. purchase C. bookcase D. suitcase 4. A. thread B. feather C. bread D. bead 5. A. prepare B. preface C. preparation D. prejudice II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is differently from those of the other words. 6. A. amphibian B. champagne C. cathedral D. creature 7. A. accommodation B. antibiotic C. counterclockwise D. deforestation 8. A. consciousness B. ecotourism C. biosphere D. confirm 9. A. architectural B. cosmopolitan C. appreciative D. archeologist 10. A. consolidate B. context C. conference D. confidence III. Read the sentences carefully and choose the best answers to make complete ones. 11. From 1949 onward, the artist Georgia O’keeffe made New Mexico___. A. her permanent residence was B. where her permanent residence C. permanent residence for her D. her permanent residence 12. Just as remote-controlled satellites can be employed to explore outer space, ___ employed to investigate the deep sea. A. can be robots B. robots can be C. can robots D. can robots that are 13. ___ is not clear to researchers. A. Why dinosaurs having become extinct. B. Why dinosaurs became extinct
  2. C. Did dinosaurs become extinct D. Dinosaurs became extinct 14. The first transatlantic telephone cable system was not established ___ 1956. A. while B. until C. on D. when 15. Drinking water ___ excessive amounts of fluorides may leave a stained or mottled effect on the enamel of teeth. A. containing B. in which containing C. contains D. that contain 16. In the 1820’s physical education became___ of the curriculum of Harvard and Yale Universities. A. to be part B. which was part C. was part D part 17. If you can win his attention ___ for you. A. the so much better B. the better so much C. so much the better D. so the much better 18. The President resigned; the whiff of scandal remained ___. A. otherwise B. therefore C. immediately D. nevertheless 19. Which ___ agency do you work for? A. ads B. advertised C. advertising D. advertisement 20. Van Gogh suffered from depression ___ by overwork and ill-health. A. brought on B. coming about C. taken up D. put through IV. Each sentence below contains 1 mistake. IDENTIFY the mistakes and WRITE THEIR CORRECT FORMS. 21. Had the committee members considered the alternatives more carefully, they would have realized that the second was superior than the first: 22. Malnutrition is a major cause of death in those countries where the cultivation of rice have been impeded by recurrent drought. 23. Because the residents had worked so diligent to renovate the old building, the manager had a party.
  3. 24. John’s wisdom teeth were troubling him, so he went to a dental surgeon to see about having them pull. 25. Time spends very slowly when you are waiting for a bus to arrive 26. Judy decided to wait until after she had taken her exams before having her wisdom teeth pull. 27. Hardly the plane had landed when Adam realized that he had left the file that he needed at his office. 28. When she was asked for her opinion on the course, she said it had been a waist of time. 29. I try to remember your name but I am afraid I cannot remember it. 30. I’d prefer to do it on myself because other people make me nervous. V. Fill in each blank with a suitable PREPOSITION or PARTICLE. 31. I know ___ experience that I do my best work early in the morning. 32. I am astonished ___ the way my students can spend all night at the disco and still remember their prepositions next morning. 33. Is it possible to insure yourself ___ nuclear attack? 34. At school today, we had a long discussion ___ the best way to learn a foreign language. 35. “How can I discourage my boyfriend ___ trying to kiss me all the time?” “Eat plenty of garlic.” 36. Raise the gun to your shoulder, aim ___ the target, and try not to kill anyone. 37. Small children should be watched ___ carefully. 38. Would you give up your country cottage ___ a town flat? 39. He’ll inherit the money when he comes ___ age. 40. The performance on the first night came ___ pretty. VI. Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word. 41. (ADAPT)___ to a new environment is a difficult thing for old people. 42. Police asked (PASS) ___ if they had seen the accident happen.
  4. 43. What a (WORRY) ___pair of children. They have to be watched every minute of the day. 44. Children are taught from young to be (RESPECT) ___ to their elders. 45. They frequently (MOBILE) ___ the traffic as they march through the streets. 46. He shook his head in ___ (APPROVE) 47. He fought the illness with courage and ___ (DETERMINE) 48. She seems (REASON) ___happy in her new job. 49. Can we (ARRANGE) ___the meeting for next Monday at 7? 50. If you weren’t so (ACT)___, you wouldn’t be so fat! VII. Read the text & decide which word best fits each space by choosing A, B, C or D. Action scenes in films Modern cinema audiences expect to see plenty of thrilling scenes in action films. These scenes, which are (51)___ as stunts, are usually performed by stuntmen who are specially trained to do dangerous things safely. (52) ___ can crash a car, but if you are shooting a film, you have to be extremely (53)___ sometimes stopping right in front of the camera and film crew. At an early (54)___ in the production, an expert stuntman is (55)___ in to work out the action scenes and form a team. He is the only person who can go (56)___ the wishes of the director, although he will usually only do this in the (57)___ of safety. Many famous actors like to do the dangerous parts themselves, which produces better shots, since stuntmen don’t have to (58)___ in for the actors. Actors like to become (59)___ in all the important aspects of the character they are playing, but without the recent progress in safety equipment, insurance companies would never let them take the risk. To do their own stunts, actors need to be good athletes, but they must also be sensible and know their (60)___.If they were to be hurt, the film would come to a sudden halt. 51. A. remarked B. known C. referred D. named 52. A. Everyone B. Someone C. Anyone D. No one
  5. 53. A. detailed B. plain C. straight D. precise 54. A. period B. minute C. part D. stage 55. A. led B. taken C. drawn D. called 56. A. over B. against C. through D. across 57. A. interests B. needs C. purposes D. regards 58. A. work B. get C. put D. stand 59. A. connected B. arranged C. involved D. affected 60. A. limits B. ends C. frontiers D. borders VIII. Fill in each blank space with an appropriate word. THE BIRTH OF THE T-SHIRT The T-shirt, or at least the T-shirt as we know it, was born in the theatre. When Tennessee William's play A Streetcar Named Oesire opened in New York in December 1947, a young actor (61)___ Marlon Brando went (62)___ stage wearing a (63)___ of blue jeans and a bright, white, capped-sleeve T-shirt. It was the first time the T-shirt had been seen publicly as anything (64)___ an item of underwear and it set a fashion trend that was to last through (65)___ the end of the century. The idea for the T-shirt came (66)___ Brando himself. He had worn one at rehearsals for the play. The director was so impressed by the look that was created that he asked Brando to wear the shirt in the play itself. Brando may have seen the shirt being advertised by the American company Sears Roebuck. They had decided to market the shirt (67)___ a fashionable garment in its (68)___ right, rather than just something to be worn (69)___ warmth beneath a denim work shirt (70)___ an army uniform. It was Brando, however, who popularized it, especially with the release of the film version of Streetcar in 1951. A short leather jacket completed the look that was to be adopted by teenage rebels in many countries for decades afterwards. IX. Read the following passage and choose the best answer. Since the world became industrialized, the number of animal species that have either become extinct or have neared extinction has increased. Bengal tigers, for instance, which once roamed the jungles in vast numbers, now number only about 2,300. By the year 2025, it is estimated that
  6. they will become extinct. What is alarming about the case of the Bengal tiger is that this extinction will have been caused almost entirely by poachers who, according to some sources, are not always interested in material gain but in personal gratification. This is an example of the callousness that is contributing to the problem of extinction. Animals, such as Bengal tiger, as well as other endangered species, are valuable parts of the world’s ecosystem. International laws protecting these animals must be enacted to ensure their survival and the survival of our planet. Countries around the world have begun to deal with the problem in various ways. Some countries, in an effort to circumvent the problem, have allocated large amounts of land to animal reserves. They then charge admission prices to help defray the costs of maintaining the parks, and they often must also depend on world organizations for support. This money enables them to invest in equipment and patrols to protect the animals. Another response to the increase in animal extinction is an international boycott of products made from endangered species. This has had some effect, but by itself it will not prevent animals from being hunted and killed. 71. What is the main topic of the passage? A. the Bengal tiger B. international boycott C. endangered species D. problems with industrialization 72. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the world “alarming” in the first paragraph? A. dangerous B. serious C. gripping D. distressing 73. The word “poachers” as used in the first paragraph could best be replaced by which of the following? A. illegal hunters B. enterprising researchers C. concerned scientists D. trained hunters 74. The word “callousness” in the first paragraph could best be replaced by which of the following? A. indirectnessB. independence C. incompetence D. insensitivity 75. The above passage is divided into two paragraphs in order to contrast. A. a problem and a solution B. a statement and an illustration
  7. C. a comparison and contrast D. specific and general information 76. What does the word “this” in the first paragraph refer to in the passage? A. Bengal tigers B. Interest in material gain C. Killing animals for personal satisfaction D. The decrease in the Bengal tiger population 77. Which of the following could best replace the word “allocated” in the second paragraph? A. set aside B. combined C. organized D. taken off 78. The word “defray” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to which of the following? A. lower B. raise C. make a payment on D. make an investment toward 79. What does the term “international boycott” in the second paragraph refer to? A. buying and selling of animal products overseas B. a refusal to buy animal products worldwide C. a global increase in animal survival D. defraying the cost of maintaining national parks 80. Which of the following best describes the author’s attitude? A. forgiving B. concerned C. vindictive D. surprised X. Finish each of the sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. 81. She never seems to succeed even though she works hard. → Hard ___. 82. Do all the washing, please! → Let ___. 83. I regret not going to the airport to say good bye to him. → I wish ___. 84. Mick thought that we were married.
  8. → Mick was under ___. 85. The only thing that kept us out of prison was the way he spoke the local dialect. → But for his command ___. XI. Write an essay (about 250 words) about the following topic: Some people say that traffic accidents are caused by the increasing number of motorbikes. Others blame for man’s fault. Which point of view do you agree? State at least three relevant evidences. ĐÁP ÁN I. (5pts) 1 point/correct answer. 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. D II. (5pts) 1 point/correct answer. 6. D 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. D III. (10pts) 1 point/correct answer. 11. D 12. B 13. B 14. B 15. A 16. D 17. C 18. D 19. C 20. A IV. (10pts) 1 point/correct answer. 21. to the first 22. has 23. diligently 24. them pulled 25. Time passes 26. pulled 27. had the plane 28. waste of time 29. am trying 30. by myself
  9. V. (10pts) 1 point/correct answer. 31. from 32. at/by 33. against 34. about 35. from 36. at 37. over 38. for 39. of 40. off VI. (10pts) 1 point/correct answer. 41. Adaptation 42. passers-by 43. worrisome 44. respectful 45. immobilize 46. disapproval 47. determination 48. reasonably 49. rearrange 50. inactive VII. (10pts) 1 point/correct answer. 51. B 52. C 53. D 54. D 55. D 56. B 57. A 58. D 59. C 60. A
  10. VIII. (10pts) 1 point/correct answer. 61. named/called 62. on 63. pair 64. but/ except 65. to/until 66. from 67. as 68. own 69. for 70. or IX. (10pts) 1 point/correct answer. 71. C 72. D 73. A 74. D 75. A 76. C 77. A 78. C 79. B 80. B X. (5pts) 1 point/correct answer. 81. Hard as/ though she works, she never seems to succeed. 82. Let all the washing be done. 83. I wish I had gone to the airport to say good bye to him. 84. Mick was under the impression that we were married 85. But for his command of the local dialect, we could have been put into prison/ jail.