Đề thi thử vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - Đề số 5 - Năm học 2021-2022 - Trường THCS Cát Tường (Có đáp án)

I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

Example: 00. A. man    B. bad     C. many    D. manage

Answer: 00. C

01. A. cooks     B. opens     C. wants     D. stops

02. A. guide     B. driven     C. twice     D. shrine

03. A. this     B. thick     C. maths     D. thin

04. A. worked     B. helped     C. listened     D. watched

05. A. hate     B. nasty     C. tasty     D. wastage

II. Give the correct tense of the verbs in brackets.

06. When I came, he (water)............ the flowers in the garden.

07. I will help you as soon as I (be)............ free.

08. My father (buy) ............ a newspaper for me last week.

09. The farmers (work) ............ in the field now.

10. Everyone (be) ............ surprised if he passes his exam.

docx 7 trang Huệ Phương 21/03/2023 4900
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Nội dung text: Đề thi thử vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - Đề số 5 - Năm học 2021-2022 - Trường THCS Cát Tường (Có đáp án)

  1. Đề số 5 I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. Example: 00. A. man B. bad C. many D. manage Answer: 00. C 01. A. cooks B. opens C. wants D. stops 02. A. guide B. driven C. twice D. shrine 03. A. this B. thick C. maths D. thin 04. A. worked B. helped C. listened D. watched 05. A. hate B. nasty C. tasty D. wastage II. Give the correct tense of the verbs in brackets. 06. When I came, he (water) the flowers in the garden. 07. I will help you as soon as I (be) free. 08. My father (buy) a newspaper for me last week. 09. The farmers (work) in the field now. 10. Everyone (be) surprised if he passes his exam. III. Choose the correct answer. 11. I’ve decided for a better job. A. to apply B. applying C. applyD. applied 12. Nam : “ Can I get you another drink ?” – Hoa : “ ” A. Forget it B. No, it isn’t C. No, I’ll think it over D. Not just now 13. She has worked as a doctor she graduated from university. A. until B. while C. before D. since 14. I suggest outside the cinema tomorrow two weeks ago. A. meeting B. meet C. met D. will meet 15. I made a(n) to see the dentist two weeks ago. A. request B. appointment C. offer D. comment
  2. 16. If it heavily, the streets will be flooded A. rains B. will rain C. is raining D. rained 17. I wish I at the seaside now. A. am B. were C. will be D. have been 18. All the boys took part in the contest thought it was unfair A. who B. whom C. whose D. which 19. “ What do you do a living ?” , he asked the woman. A. at B. of C. for D. with 20. She insisted on the job herself. A. do B. to do C. doing D. did IV. There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence. Find the mistakes and correct them. Example: 00. I has been learning English for 4 years. A. has been B. learning C. for D. 4 years Answer: 00. A → have been 21. Lan is the more beautiful of the schoolgirls standing over there. A. the more B. beautiful C. the D. standing 22. Although the storm, they still went to work. A. Although B. the storm C. went
  3. D. to work 23. The movie was too boring that he left in the interval. A. The movie B. too C. he left D. the interval 24. How long is it when you last saw him ? A. How long B. when C. last D. saw 25. We have to translate this dialogue into Vietnamese, haven’t we ? A. translate B. into C. Vietnamese D. haven’t we V. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, D) that best fits each space. There are desserts all over the world. They can be (26) in Africa, China, South America, and North America. In some places, deserts are growing. This is a serious problem (27) deserts destroy farmland and ruin land where animals live. When people cannot grow food or find animals to eat, (28) have to leave their homes. Sometimes, (29) can cause deserts to spread. Wind can move sand away from deserts and onto useful land. When there is no rain for along time, plants die and deserts grow. (30) , humans can also cause deserts to grow. This is called desertification, and it happens in (31) ways. One way is when people cause too much air (32) , which can make an area hotter. Hotter weather can reduce the amount of rain as well. Too (33) people in one area can also damage the land. In addition, having many animals can (34) the land. When large animals like cows walk on soil too much, they turn it (35) dust. 26.A. finding B. found C. find D. founded
  4. 27.A. yet B. so C. but D. because 28.A. they B. themselves C. them D. their 29.A. unnatural B. natural C. nature D. naturally 30.A. Until B. However C. As D. So 31.A. a great deal of B. a little C. many D. little 32.A. polluting B. pollute C. polluted D. pollution 33.A. much B. a great deal of C. many D. a great number of 34.A. harmed B. harm C. harming D. harms 35.A. into B. at C. before D. on VI. Give the correct form of the words in brackets. 36. The of the earthquake in Japan in 1995 was terrible .(DESTROY) 37. The people in my home village are very helpful and ( FRIEND) 38. This river is very for swimmers. (DANGER) 39. The hills are in spring when the wild flowers are in full bloom. ( COLOUR) 40. Every in my neighbourhood has at least one TV set. ( HOUSE) VII. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each question. All over the world, cities are growing. Urban dwellers typically live, produce, consume and socialize in different neighbourhoods. One of the biggest factors in determining whether we actively enjoy everyday life in a city, or merely have to live there because that’s where the work is, is how much time we spend in traffic jams or standing at bus stops. The quality of urban mobility is also intergral to many other issues we care about: health, because of emissions and accidents; economic growth, through minimizing the time lost in getting workers and products to where they need to be; and inequality – does everyone have the opportunity to move around, or only those who can drive themselves? By then, instead of owning and driving our own cars, we may routinely be calling up self – driving cars via a sharing – economy platform whenever we need one. They’ll pick us up, drop us at our destination, and pick up someone else, controlled by a smart traffic management system. It’s the concept of “ mobility as a service” – a function of automation, digitalization and the shared economy. But that should be only one part of how mobility has changed by 2030.
  5. 41. City residents typically live, produce, consume and socialize in A. different companies B. different farms C. different neighbourhoods D. different buildings 42. Which of the following is the main factor in determining whether we actively enjoy everyday life in a city ? A. That’s where the work is . B. How much time we spend in traffic jams or standing at bus stops. C. How many other issues we care about: health, because of emissions and accidents; economic growth. D. The time people lost in getting workers and products to where they need to be. 43. Which of the following issues is NOT mentioned in the relationship with the quality of mobility ? A. health B. economic growth C. inequality D. education 44. According to the passage, by 2030, how can the traffic change ? A. People may be picked up and dropped at the right destination. B. People may have their own car to go to work. C. People may get their workplace on time because of the good traffic system. D. People may be controlled by a smart traffic management system. 45. What is the message to the readers ? A. We can believe that the mobility will become better in the future thanks to modern technology. B. We can believe that the quality of urban mobility is also intergral to many other issues we care about. C. We can believe that people will get their own car. D. We can believe that it is easy to call up self -driving cars via a sharing – economy platform whenever we need one. VIII. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. 46. “ How many survivors are there ?” asked the journalist. - The journalist wanted to know 47. A train leaves at 8 o’clock every morning.
  6. - There is 48. I often go to work in 20 minutes. - It takes 49. The police have just released John - John 50. The woman is my aunt. Her dress is green. - The woman ĐÁP ÁN I – 1.B - 2. B - 3. A - 4. C - 5.B II- 6. was watering 7. am 8. bought - 9.are working - 10. will be III- 11.A - 12. D - 13.D - 14.A - 15.B - 16.A - 17. B - 18.A - 19.C - 20.C IV- 21 . A – the most - 22. A – Despite / In spite of - 23. B – so 24. B – since - 25. D – don’t we ? V- 26. B - 27.D - 28.A - 29. C - 30.B - 31.C - 32.D - 33.C - 34. B - 35.A VI – 36. destruction - 37. Friendly - 38. Dangerous 39. colourful / colorful 40. Household VII-
  7. 41.C - 42. B - 43.D - 44.A - 45.A VIII- 46. - The journalist wanted to know how many survivors there were. 47. – There is an 8 o’clock train every morning. 48. - It takes me 20 minutes to go to work . 49. – John has just been released (by the police). 50. – The woman whose dress is green is my aunt.