Đề thi thử vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - Đề số 5 - Năm học 2021-2022 - Trường THCS Mỹ Cát (Có đáp án)

I. Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.

1. A. arrow                                B. loud                          C. moldy                       D. poultry

2. A. basilisk                             B. bison                        C. basic                         D. basin

3. A. subtlety                            B. indebtedness           C. bombard                  D. combing

4. A. benevolent                       B. content                     C. molecules                D. technique

5. A. conscience                       B. bronchitis                C. shuttle                      D. chauffeur

II. Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from that of the others in each line.

6. A. comic                                B. clementine               C. climax                      D. thermonuclear

7. A. diligent                             B. dimension                C. action                       D. innate

8. A. characterize                     B. absence                    C. datum                       D. charcoal

9. A. solicitor                            B. separately                C. spacious                   D. sequence

10. A. parachute                       B. armchair                  C. accent                       D. accidentally

docx 10 trang Huệ Phương 21/03/2023 3400
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Nội dung text: Đề thi thử vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - Đề số 5 - Năm học 2021-2022 - Trường THCS Mỹ Cát (Có đáp án)

  1. Đề số 5 I. Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. A. arrow B. loud C. moldy D. poultry 2. A. basilisk B. bison C. basic D. basin 3. A. subtlety B. indebtedness C. bombard D. combing 4. A. benevolent B. content C. molecules D. technique 5. A. conscience B. bronchitis C. shuttle D. chauffeur II. Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from that of the others in each line. 6. A. comic B. clementine C. climax D. thermonuclear 7. A. diligent B. dimension C. action D. innate 8. A. characterize B. absence C. datum D. charcoal 9. A. solicitor B. separately C. spacious D. sequence 10. A. parachute B. armchair C. accent D. accidentally III. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. 11. Assembly lines are useful for producing a large ___ of identical products. A. quality B. quantity C. quandary D. qualification 12. Only the ___ of the building is going to be remodeled. A. insides B. interior C. indoors D. inner 13. Whether the sports club survives is a matter of complete ___ to me. A. indifference B. disinterest C. importance D. interest 14. After years of neglect there was a huge ___ program to return the city to its former glory. A. restoration B. preservation C. conservation D. refurbishment 15. The assistant suggested ___ the next day when the manager would be there.
  2. A. we are coming back B. to come back C. we will come back D. we came back 16. I never get a ___ of sleep after watching a horror film. A. wink B. blink C. night D. ounce 17. As it was Christmas, the ___ at church was much larger than usual. A. audience B. convention C. congregation D. grouping 18. The sheep were huddled into a ___ to protect them from overnight frosts. A. cage B. kennel C. hutch D. pen 19. The jury ___ the defendant “not guilty”. A. gave B. returned C. subscribed D. found 20. Many ___ crafts such as weaving are now being revived. A. customary B. habitual C. traditional D. ordinary 21. He managed to finish his thesis under the ___ of his tutor. A. guidance B. help C. aid D. assistance 22. Mr. Henry was given a medal in ___ of his service to his country. A. gratitude B. knowledge C. recognition D. response 23. Everyone knows about pollution problems, but not many people have ___ any solutions. A. thought over B. come up with C. looked into D. got round to 24. You ___ as well seek for a fish in the tree as try to do that. A. must B. would C. should D. might 25. ___ calculations have shown that the earth’s resources may run out before the end of the next century. A. Raw B. Rude C. Crude D. Blunt 26. By the time you receive this letter, I ___ for China. A. will have left B. have left C. would have left D. will leave
  3. 27. Prizes are awarded ___ the number of points scored. A. resulting from B. adding up C. presented to D. according to 28. The needs of gifted children in schools have long been ___ neglected. A. dolefully B. woefully C. idly D. pathetically 29. I must take this watch to be repaired; it ___ over 20 minutes a day. A. increases B. gains C. accelerates D. progresses 30. It had been a trying afternoon, ___ at about six o’clock in the television breaking down. A. culminating B. leading C. arriving D. finalizing IV. Write the correct FORM of each bracketed (0) has been done as an example. V. The passage below contains 10 mistakes. (0) has been done as an example.
  4. VI. Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. The ability to weep is a uniquely human form of emotional response. Some scientists have suggested that human tears are (51)___ of an aquatic past – but this does not seem very likely. We cry from the moment we enter this world, for a number of reasons. Helpless babies cry to persuade their parents that they are ill, hungry or uncomfortable. As they (52)___, they will also cry just to attract parental attention and will often stop when they get it. The idea that having a good cry do you (53)___ is a very old one and now it has scientific validity since recent research into tears has shown that they (54)___ a natural painkiller called enkaphalin. By fighting sorrow and pain this chemical helps you feel better. Weeping can increase the quantities of enkaphalin you (55)___. Unfortunately, in our society we impose restrictions upon this naturally (56)___ activity. Because some people still regard it as a (57)___ of weakness in men, boys in particular are admonished when they cry. This kind of repression can only increase stress, both emotionally and physically. Tears of emotion also help the body (58)___ itself of toxic chemical waste, for there is more protein in them than in tears resulting from cold winds or other irritants. Crying comforts, calms and can be very enjoyable – (59)___ the popularity of highly emotional films which are commonly (60)___ “weepies”. It seems that people enjoy crying together almost as much as laughing together. 51. A. witness B. evidence C. result D. display
  5. 52. A. evolve B. change C. develop D. alter 53. A. better B. fine C. good D. well 54. A. contain B. retain C. hold D. keep 55. A. construct B. achieve C. provide D. produce 56. A. curing B. treating C. healing D. improving 57. A. hint B. symbol C. feature D. sign 58. A. release B. rid C. loosen D. expel 59. A. consider B. remark C. distinguish D. regard 60. A. named B. entitled C. subtitled D. called VII. Read the following passage and answer the questions. Legend has it that sometime toward the end of the Civil War (1861-1865) a government train carrying oxen traveling through the northern plains of eastern Wyoming was caught in a snowstorm and had to be abandoned. The driver returned the next spring to see what had become of his cargo. Instead of the skeletons he had expected to find, he saw his oxen, living, fat, and healthy. How had they survived? The answer lay in a resource that unknowing Americans lands trampled underfoot in their haste to cross the “Great American Desert” to reach lands that sometimes proved barren. In the eastern parts of the United States, the preferred grass for forage was a cultivated plant. It grew well with enough rain, then when cut and stored it would cure and become nourishing hay for winter feed. But in the dry grazing lands of the West that familiar bluejoint grass was often killed by drought. To raise cattle out there seemed risky or even hopeless. Who could imagine a fairy- tale grass that required no rain and somehow made it possible for cattle to feed themselves all winter? But the surprising western wild grasses did just that. They had wonderfully convenient features that made them superior to the cultivated eastern grasses. Variously known as buffalo grass, grama grass, or mesquite grass, not only were they immune to drought; but they were actually preserved by the lack of summer and autumn rains. They were not juicy like the cultivated eastern grasses, but had short, hard stems. And they did not need to be cured in a barn, but dried right where they grew on the ground. When they dried in this way, they remained
  6. naturally sweet and nourishing through the winter. Cattle left outdoors to fend for themselves thrived on this hay. And the cattle themselves helped plant the fresh grass year after year for they trampled the natural seeds firmly into the soil to be watered by the melting snows of winter and the occasional rains of spring. The dry summer air cured them much as storing in a barn cured the cultivated grasses. 61. What does the passage mainly discuss? A. A type of wild vegetation B. Western migration after Civil War C. The raising of cattle D. The climate of the Western United States 62. What can be inferred by the phrase “Legend has it” in line 1? A. Most history book include the story of the train. B. The story of the train is similar to other ones from that time period. C. The driver of the train invented the story. D. The story of the train may not be completed factual. 63. The word “they” in line 4 refers to___. A. plains B. skeletons C. oxen D. Americans 64. What can be inferred about the “Great American Desert” mentioned in line 7? A. Many had settled there by the 1860’s. B. It was not originally assumed to be a fertile area. C. It was a popular place to raise cattle before the Civil War. D. It was not discovered until the late 1800’s. 65. The word “barren” in line 7 is closed in meaning to___. A. lonely B. uncomfortable C. infertile D. dangerous 66. The word “preferred” in line 8 is closed in meaning to___. A. favored B. available C. ordinary D. required
  7. 67. Which of the following can be inferred about the cultivated grass mentioned in the second paragraph? A. Cattle raised in the Western United States refused to eat it. B. It had to be imported into the United States. C. It would probably not grow in the western United States. D. It was difficult for cattle to digest. 68. Which of the following was NOT one of the names given to the western grasses? A. Mesquite grass B. Bluejoint grass C. Buffalo grass D. Grama grass 69. Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a characteristic of western grasses? A. They contain little moisture B. They have tough stems C. They can be grown indoors D. They are not affected by dry weather 70. According to the passage, the cattle help promote the growth of the wild grass by___. A. eating only small quantities of grass. B. continually moving from one grazing area to another. C. naturally fertilizing the soil. D. stepping on and pressing the seeds into the ground. VIII. Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it 71. Customs officials are stopping more travelers than usual this week. → An increased___. 72. I left without saying goodbye as I didn’t want to disturb the meeting. → Rather ___. 73. My decision to get up and dance coincided with the band’s decision to stop playing. → The moment___. 74. He never suspected that the bicycle had been stolen.
  8. → At no time ___. 75. How could I help, except to offer to lend her some money? → Other ___? IX. Use the word(s) given in the brackets and make any necessary additions to complete a new sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence. Do NOT change the form of the given word(s). 76. To this day no one has equaled his achievements in the field of technology. (unsurpassed) → To this day___ in the field of technology. 77. Peter grimaced as he swallowed the foul-tasting medicine. (pulled) → Peter___ the foul-tasting medicine. 78. It’s unfortunately that the construction of the building will not be finished as originally planned. → The construction of the building___ unfortunate. (longer) 79. What he told me made me very curious to hear the rest of the history. (appetite) → What he told me___ the story. 80. They chose not to drive because they thought there would be too much snow. (fear) → They chose___ too much snow. ĐÁP ÁN I. (5pts) 1 point/correct answer. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. B II. (5pts) 1 point/correct answer. 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. D III. (20pts) 1 point/correct answer.
  9. 11. B 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. D 16. A 17. C 18. D 19. D 20. C 21. A 22. C 23. B 24. D 25. C 26. A 27. D 28. B 29. B 30. A IV. (10pts) 1 point/correct answer. 31. valuable 32. frightened 33. length 34. worldwide 35. tightened 36. terrified 37. lowered 38. repeatedly 39. embarrassment 40. heights V. (10pts) 1 point/correct answer. 41. acquired 42. explicitly 43. a few 44. to 45. to 46. vocational 47. as 48. assume 49. certain 50. intended
  10. VI. (10pts) 1 point/correct answer. 51. B 52. C 53. C 54. A 55. D 56. C 57. D 58. B 59. A 60. D VII. (20pts) 2 points/correct answer. 61. A 62. B 63. C 64. D 65. C 66. A 67. C 68. B 69. D 70. B VIII. (20pts) 2 points/correct answer. 71. An increased number of travelers is being stopped by customs officials this week. 72. Rather than disturb the meeting, I left without saying goodbye. 73. The moment I decided to get up to dance, the band decided to stop playing. 74. At no time did he suspect that the bicycle had been stolen. 75. Other than to offer to lend her some money, how could I help? IX. (20pts) 2 points/correct answer. 76. To this day his achievements are unsurpassed in the field of technology. 77. Peter pulled a face as he swallowed the foul-tasting medicine. 78. The construction of the building will take longer than originally planned, which is unfortunate. 79. What he told me whetted my appetite for the rest of the story. 80. They chose not to drive for fear of too much snow.