Đề thi thử vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - Test 10 (Có đáp án)

Mark letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct preposition that completes the sentence.

Question 5.The girls are interested_________ cooking.

   A. to                                         B. about                                 C. with                                   D. in

Question 6.“Do you get on your new classmate, or do you two argue?”.

   A. to                                         B. by                                      C. with                                   D. up

Mark letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the words OPPOSITE in  meaning to the underlined word.

Question 7.Your failure is the consequence of not studying hard enough for the test.

   A. motive                               B. result                                 C. status                                D. cause

Mark letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase to complete each of the following sentences.

Question 8.He’s so brilliant and he can do anything -

   A. once in a blue moon         B. the sky’s the limit           C. it’s over the moon           D. out of this world

Question 9.We are going ________the anniversary of our 50th wedding.

   A. celebratory                        B. celebrate                          C. celebration                       D. to celebrate

Question 10.I was surprised _______what happened at the end of the film.

   A. in finding out                     B. that I found out                C. to find out                        D. finding out

Question 11.A: “I’m thinking about a topic for our next discussion.” 

    B: “____________”

   A. I suggest talking about preserving natural wonders of Vietnam

   B. To me, this discussion always brings me happiness.

   C. Do you think about it?

   D. Why do you have to consider its benefits?

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  1. MOCK TEST 10 Mark letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group. Question 1. A. wandered B. turned C. reminded D. resolved Question 2. A. threat B. deaf C. bread D. weave Mark letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose main stress position is placed differently from that of the others in each group. Question 3. A. affordable B. accessible C. magnificence D. destination Question 4. A. compartmentB. determine C. picturesque D. embarrass Mark letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct preposition that completes the sentence. Question 5.The girls are interested___ cooking. A. to B. about C. with D. in Question 6.“Do you get on your new classmate, or do you two argue?”. A. to B. by C. with D. up Mark letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the words OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word. Question 7.Your failure is the consequence of not studying hard enough for the test. A. motive B. result C. status D. cause Mark letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase to complete each of the following sentences. Question 8.He’s so brilliant and he can do anything - A. once in a blue moon B. the sky’s the limit C. it’s over the moon D. out of this world Question 9.We are going ___the anniversary of our 50th wedding. A. celebratory B. celebrate C. celebration D. to celebrate Question 10.I was surprised ___what happened at the end of the film. A. in finding out B. that I found out C. to find out D. finding out Question 11.A: “I’m thinking about a topic for our next discussion.” B: “___” A. I suggest talking about preserving natural wonders of Vietnam B. To me, this discussion always brings me happiness. C. Do you think about it? D. Why do you have to consider its benefits? Mark letter A, B, C or D to indicate the part that is incorrect. Question 12.Writing many letters often make me happy. A. letters B. Writing C. makes D. happy Question 13.The British Museum, that I visited last month, is considered the first national public music in the world. A. The B. considered C. in D. that Read the following passage and mark letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word that best completes each blank.
  2. The role of men in American society is changing with more women going to college, and obtaining careers, men are playing more untraditional roles at home. Women are still (1) ___ birth to the kids, but are going to work to earn money to pay the bills, while men are staying home raising the kids, running errands, cleaning, and making dinner. More men than everbefore can be found at home watching the kids, while mom is slaving away to bring home the bacon. Young children, boys as well as girls, are being raisedwith dad at home taking care of the kids. Young boys are the products of this (6)___day growing tradition. Millions offamilies are also raising their young with mom and dad sharing all of the responsibilities. Today’s role of men in American society is more of a sharedrole, with a more undefined role. Men are working jobs, and doing housework while raising the kids. Moms are working also while cleaning, cooking, and raising the kids. Men (6)___ longer bear sole material responsibility for the American family. Question 14. A. giving B. having C. taking D. bringing Question 15. A. now B. current C. at present D. being Question 16. A. not B. none C. nothing D. no Read the following passage and mark letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions that follow. It is sometimes very difficult to decide which career to choose when you leave school. British students are helped by careers teachers, who inform them about different careers, qualifications needs and try to help them make up their minds. Mr. Hemmings, a careers teacher as well as a History teacher, talks about his experience. “I’ve been a careers teacher for around five years and, on the whole, I’ve found it a rewarding experience. Our students have careers lessons once a week for the fourth and the fifth years (15 or 16 years old). My task consists of explaining as accurately as possible the qualifications required for each job, as well as the type OS work and personal skills involved. Advising teenagers can be rather difficult - some youngsters have no idea at all of what they want to do, or of what the real world outside school really is. They come to me and say “I don’t like routine nine- to-five jobs I’d like something exciting that pays well ” What I can say? That we’re running out of exciting jobs? But they usually end up facing reality and come down to their senses after a while Anyway here in school we only give them a piece of advice according to what we know about their favorite and weakest subjects, pastimes and personality. But if you ask me, things are happening so quickly around here, with our economy in the dumps that sometimes you don’t know what to say. A few days ago I asked a fifteen-year-old boy what job he had in mind and he replied “I haven’t any plans You see, Sir, I don’t know what new jobs will replace today’s” What could I say? Question 17. What do careers teachers in Britain help students? A. Inform them about different careers. B. Tell them the qualifications needed for careers. C. Help them make up their minds. D. All of the above. Question 18. How has Mr. Hemmings found his job as a careers teacher? A. An easy job. B. A rewarding experience.
  3. C. A stressful job. D. A challenging experience. Question 19. How often do British students have careers lessons? A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Once a fortnight. D. Twice a month. Question 20. Why is it difficult to advise teenagers? A. Teenagers have no idea of what exciting jobs are. B. Many youngsters never go outside of their houses. C. Some of them don’t know that careers they want. D. Many teenagers only like doing jobs that pay well. Question 21. Why hasn’t the student got any plans about his future job? A. There will be many new jobs in the future. B. His parents haven’t told him about his future job. C. He is too young to think about it. D. He is busy studying his favorite subjects. Mark letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the given one. Question 22. I was very exhausted, but I didn’t stop working. A. I stopped working because I was very exhausted. B. Even though I was very exhausted, I didn’t stop working. C. If I didn’t stop working, I would be very exhausted. D. I didn’t stop working; therefore, I was very exhausted. Question 23. “Shall we hold a party on New Year’s Eve?”, said John. A. John advised us to hold a party on New Year’s Eve. B. John asked us to hold a party on New Year’s Eve. C. John wanted to know if we should hold a party on New Year’s Eve. D. John suggested holding a party on New Year’s Eve. Question 24. Speak slowly or he can’t understand what you mean. A. If you speak slowly, he can’t understand what you mean. B. If you didn’t speak slowly, he didn’t understand what you mean. C. If you don’t speak slowly, he can’t understand what you mean. D. If you spoke slowly, he couldn’t understand what you mean. Question 25. Lan broke the glass because of her carelessness. A. Because Lan made carelessness, she broke the glass. B. Because Lan got carelessness, therefore she broke the glass. C. Because Lan did carelessly, so she broke the glass. D. Because Lan was careless, she broke the glass. THE END 1C 2D 3D 4C 5D 6C 7B 8B 9D 10C 11A 12C 13D 14A 15B 16D 17D 18B 19A 20C 21A 22B 23D 24C 25D