Đề thi tuyển sinh Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - Đề 27 - Năm học 2021-2022 (Có đáp án)

6. Mike is always proud _____ his success at school.

a. on b. of c. at d. in

7. Many companies participated________ the trade fair.

a. on b. of c. in d. to

8. Never put______ till tomorrow what you can do today.

a. off

b. over                     

c. back                   

d. away

9. They went on playing_______ it started to rain.

a. though

b. because                

c. but                     

d. despite

docx 10 trang Huệ Phương 01/03/2023 5040
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  1. ĐỀ 27 I. PHONETICS (1-3). Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. a. famous b. space c. pace d. attack 2. a. books b. cats c. dogs d. maps 3. a. house b. hour c. hole d. humor (4-5). Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others. 4. a. linguistics b. ordinary c. teenagers d. graduating 5. a. relax b. recognize c. realize d. relatively II. GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY (6-20). Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in each sentence. 6. Mike is always proud ___ his success at school. a. on b. of c. at d. in 7. Many companies participated___ the trade fair. a. on b. of c. in d. to 8. Never put___ till tomorrow what you can do today. a. off b. over c. back d. away
  2. 9. They went on playing___ it started to rain. a. though b. because c. but d. despite 10. In the 18th century, workers loved wearing jean because it did not___ a. break off b. tear off c. wear out d. come out 11. We’ve got of time, so there’s no need to rush. a. very much b. a number c. great deal d. plenty 12. Shut the window, ___ it’ll get too cold in here. a. unless b. if not c. otherwise d. though 13. If she___ rich, she would travel around the world. a. would be
  3. b. is c. has been d. were 14. The polluted river is smelly and filthy. a. dangerous b. shallow c. dirty d. swollen 15. I wish you___making that noise. It’s bothering me. a. would stop b. will stop c. stop d. can stop 16. I expect___ a postcard from my pen friend in England today. a. to receive b. receiving c. to be received d. being received 17. ___ you tell me how to get to the nearest supermarket? a. May b. Could c. Do
  4. d. Should 18. She is ___ to lift such a heavy bag. a. not enough strong b. enough strong c. not strong enough d. strong not enough 19. The equipment in our office needs___ . a. to modernize b. modernizing c. modernized d. modernization 20. Computers ___ to do a lot of jobs these days. a. are used b. used to c. are using d. use (21-25). Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting. 21. If only (A) I would (B) play the guitar as well (C) as you (D). 22. Don’t (A) forget turning (B) off all the (C) lights before you go to (D) 23. My father wants to go (A) back to the places (B) where (C) he used to visit (D).
  5. 24. My family lived (A) in Ha Noi since (B) 1990 to 1998, but now (C) we are living (D) in Ho Chi Minh City. 25. Mary asked me if (A) I go (B) to school on foot (C) or by bike (D). (26-30). Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. 26. Energy-saving bulbs make___ use of electricity, (efficiency) 27. The most ___ earthquake in Japanese history occurred in 1923. (disaster) 28. For many employees, job___is more important than making money, (satisfy) 29. People fled from the earthquake area in___ . (terrify) 30. Pompeii was completely destroyed in A.D.79 by an___of Mount Vesuvius, (erupt) III. READING (31-38). Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. In the country of China, there is a wall that is 1,500 miles (31)___ . It is called the Great Wall of China. It (32)___ uphill and down, through valleys and mountains. Every inch of this 1,500-mile wall (33)___ made by hand. The people of China made it to keep (34)___ their enemies. There are watch (35)___ all along the way. The wall, is made of brick and earth. It is high and wide on top. People can walk along the top (36)___ it were a road. It is said that it (37)___ ten years to build one part of this wall. No other defense line has ever been made as (38)___ as the Great Wall of China. 31. a. long b. length c. lengthy d. lengthen 32. a. comes b. moves c. winds d. lasts
  6. 33. a. is b. are c. was d. were 34. a. off b. out c. in d. up 35. a. buildings b. houses c. boxes d. towers 36. a. as b. if c. as if d. even if 37. a. took b. spent c. made d. lasted .38. a. long b. longer c. longest d. length (39-43). Read the passage below carefully and choose the correct answer a, b, c or d. I get a lot of letters at this time of the year from people complaining that they have a cold which won’t go away. There are so many different stories about how to prevent or cure a cold that it’s often difficult to know what to do. Although colds are rarely dangerous, except for people who are already weak, such as the elderly or young babies, they are always uncomfortable and usually most unpleasant. Of course, you can buy lots of medicines which will help to make your cold less unpleasant, but you must remember that nothing can actually cure a cold or make it go away faster. Another thing is that any medicine which is strong enough to make you feel better could be dangerous if you are already taking drugs for some other illness so always with your chemist or doctor to see whether they are all right for you. And remember they might make you sleepy – please don’t try to drive if they do! Lastly, as far as avoiding colds is concerned, whatever you may be told about magic foods or drinks, the best answer is to keep strong and healthy – you’ll have less chance of catching a cold, and if you do, it shouldn’t be so bad! 39. This is from___ . a. doctor’s notebook b. a diary c. a magazine d. a school biology book 40. What is the writer’s intention?
  7. a. to write in an amusing way b. to give general advice c. to complain about colds d. to describe personal experience 41. Who should talk to the doctor before buying medicine for a cold? a. People who are already weak. b. People who catch a bad cold? c. People who drive to work. d. People who are already taking drugs. 42. What is the writer’s opinion of ‘magic food and drink’? a. The writer believes in it. b. The writer doesn’t believe in it. c. The writer is concerned about it. d. The writer is interested in it. 43. Which of the following is NOT true? a. Colds are not very often dangerous. b. Colds cannot be cured or prevented. c. Colds are uncomfortable and unpleasant. d. Colds might make you sleepy. IV. WRITING (44-46). Choose the sentence (a, b, c or d) that is almost the same in meaning as the sentence given. 44. He used to write home once a week.
  8. a. He enjoys writing home every week. b. He never fails to write a weekly letter home. c. He doesn’t now write home once a week. d. He was forced to write home every week. 45. Bridges is by far the richest man I know. a. He is the richest man in my country. b. He is one of many very rich men I know. c. He is richer than all his friends. d. He is much richer than anyone else I know. 46. Because of hard working, she feel ill. a. She was too ill to work hard. b. She did not work, so she fell ill. c. She was not ill although she worked hard. d. She worked so hard that she fell ill. (47-50). Rewrite the sentences so that they are nearest in meaning to the sentence printed before them. 47. People use money for buying and selling goods. Money___ 48. Tm sorry I broke the glass,’ Peter said to Jane. Peter apologized___ 49. He is intelligent, but he doesn’t do well at school. He doesn’t do well at school___
  9. 50. If you run a lot, you will get fitter. The more___ Đáp án I. 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. a II. 6. b 7. c 8. a 9. a 10. c 11. d 12. c 13. d 14. c 15. a 16. a 17. b 18. c 19. b 20. a III. 21. B (could) 22. B (to turn) 23. C (which/ that) 24. B ( from) 25. B (went) 26. efficient 27. disastrous 28. satisfaction 29. terror 30. eruption III. 31. a 32. c 33. c 34. b 35. d 36. c 37. a 38. a 39. c 40. b 41. d 42. b 43. d IV. 44. c 45. d 46. d 47. Money is used for buying and selling goods. 48. Peter apologized to Jane for breaking the glass. 49. He doesn’t do well at school though/ although/ even though he is intelligent. 50. The more you run, the fitter you get.