Đề thi tuyển sinh vào Lớp 10 THPT môn Tiếng Anh (Chuyên) - Test 18

(1-10) Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in each sentence:

    1/ The nation dress of Japanese women is __________ .

          A.Kimono            B. Ao dai            C. sari             D.Jeans

    2/ My village lies near the __________  of the mountains.

A.foot           B. leg            C. feet                         D. legs

   3/ If you study at university, you can live in a __________  on campus .

        A. mobile room           B. hotel            C. private room                     D. dormitory

   4/ Your teacher writes poems or stories, __________ he?

A.don’t            B.won’t               C.didn’t                                  D.doesn’t

   5/ In their country, people go to a _____ to pray .

A. hotel          B. market              C. shrine             D. hostel

  6/  My class was devided  _________ three groups.

        A. between            B. among           C. into               D. for

  7/  If  Dinh An comes to England, it will be a good  _________  for him to improve his English. 

      A. possibility            B. opportunity            C. advantage      D. experience

  8/ Anh huy stayed up late last night, __________ he feels tired and sleepy  .

       A.since                         B. so                        C. bacause                D. both B and C

  9/ It is ________ knowledge that you should drink more water when you have got flu.

       A.popular            B. widespread           C.updated       D. common

  10/  What is this __________  of  his shirt? Is it made of cotton?

      A. material                B. fashion                 C. design                D.  clothing


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  1. TEST 18 (1-10) Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in each sentence: 1/ The nation dress of Japanese women is ___ . A.Kimono B. Ao dai C. sari D.Jeans 2/ My village lies near the ___ of the mountains. A.foot B. leg C. feet D. legs 3/ If you study at university, you can live in a ___ on campus . A. mobile room B. hotel C. private room D. dormitory 4/ Your teacher writes poems or stories, ___ he? A.don’t B.won’t C.didn’t D.doesn’t 5/ In their country, people go to a ___ to pray . A. hotel B. market C. shrine D. hostel 6/ My class was devided ___ three groups. A. between B. among C. into D. for 7/ If Dinh An comes to England, it will be a good ___ for him to improve his English. A. possibility B. opportunity C. advantage D. experience 8/ Anh huy stayed up late last night, ___ he feels tired and sleepy . A.since B. so C. bacause D. both B and C 9/ It is ___ knowledge that you should drink more water when you have got flu. A.popular B. widespread C.updated D. common 10/ What is this ___ of his shirt? Is it made of cotton? A. material B. fashion C. design D. clothing Answer: 1/ ___ 2/ ___ 3/ ___ 4/ ___ 5/ ___ 6/ ___ 7/ ___ 8/ ___ 9/ ___ 10/ ___ (11-12) Choose the underlined word or phrase(A,B,C, or D) that needs correcting: 11/ What is the different between floods and flash floods? A B C D 12/ Higher than normal temperatures usually accompanies periods of drought. A B C D Answer: 11/ ___ 12/ ___
  2. (13-16) Use the correct tense or form of the verbs in parentheses. 13/ Minh Tuan met his old friend while he ___ in Nha Trang. (work) 14/ Yesterday, we ___ five minutes late. ( arrive) 15/ Flowers should ___ in warm places. ( keep) 16/ What makes you ___ in the existence of UFOs? (believe) Answer: 1/ ___ 2/ ___ 3/ ___ 4/ ___ 17-22) Use the correct form of the words in parentheses: 17/ Many new cars have much lower fuel ___ . ( consume) 18/ We have a fierce ___ in our traditions. ( proud) 19/ It was very ___ of you to leave matches where children could get them. (care ) 20/ He enjoys the constant ___ with students from other classes. (interact) 21/ The palace was ___ damaged by the fire. ( extend) 22/ Some ___ groups have declared a boycott of tourism on the island . ( environment) Answer: 1/ ___ 2/ ___ 3/ ___ 4/ ___ 5/ ___ 6/ ___ (23-28) Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in the following passage: The Chinese New Year is the most important holiday for the Chinese people. for the Chinese , the new year(23)___ with the first day of the First Moon, (24) ___ January 21 and February 19. People prepare for the holiday for fifteen days Finally, (25) ___ midnight it is New Year’s Day or the first day of the First Moon, Yan Tan. People close the shops and the streets are empty. Everyone locks the doors and stayed at home. It is an important time for the family. The younger people bow the older people. The Chinese call this K’ou T’ou or kowtow. This mean “ to touch the ground with the forehead”. Then, the younger people (26) ___ the older a happy New Year. The older people give children gifts of money in red envelopes. The family then goes to sleep.
  3. In the morning, everything is quiet. People ( 27) ___ in their best clothes. They are very(28) ___ and do not use bad words. People stay at home. It is very quiet in the streets. 23/ A. gets B. comes C. begins D. ends 24/ A. between B. in C. from D. on 25/ A. in B. at C. on D. to 26/ A. hope B. wish C. desire D. want 27/ A. dress B. wear C. put D. take 28/ A. important B. worried C. polite D. impolite Answer: 1/ ___ 2/ ___ 3/ ___ 4/ ___ 5/ ___ 6/ ___ (29-32) Read the dialogue and then decide whether the statements that follow are true or false. Write True or False in your answersheet: Switzerland is a small country in central Europe. The total land area of this tiny country is only 15,941 square miles ( 41,288km2). The estimated population of this European nation in 1984 was 6,392,000. Because the nation is so small, you might think that there is only one nation language. However, you would be incorrect because there are three official languages. They are German, French and Italian. As a result, Switzerland has three official names: Schweiz (in German), Suisse (in French), and Svizzera ( in Italia). All national laws are published in these languages. The three official languages plus Romansch are the four nation languages spoken in Switzerland. If you look on Swiss coins or postage stamps, you will not find name for this country in any of the national languages. Instead, you will find the word Helvetia, the Latin name for this country. ___ 29/ German, French and Italian Lightning are three official languages in Switzerland . ___ 30/ Many people in Switzerland speak German, but probably only a very few speak Romansch. ___ 31/ Italian is one of official languages in Switzerland. ___ 32/ on Swiss coins, you will find the name Switzerland . (33-36) Rewrite the sentences so that they are nearest in meaning to the sentence printed before them.
  4. 33/ I am not English, which is why I have to take this exam. If ___ 34/ She forgot her toothbrush when she was packing. She didn’t ___- ___ 35/ In spite of having a terrible headache she went to work all the same. She went to work although ___ 36/ He felt very nervous at the interview but he got the job. He got the job despite ___