Đề thi tuyển sinh vào Lớp 10 THPT môn Tiếng Anh (Chuyên) - Test 5 (Có đáp án)

(1-10) Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in each sentence:

    1/ Before the appearance of newspapers, people got new from the ___________ .

          A. computer             B. criers             C. magazines                D. television

    2/ Remote controls  are used to _____________  with television.

        A. invent               B. develop              C. interact    D. respond

   3/ TV _________ can enjoy interesting programs by choosing  the right channels.

        A. lookers           B. watchers             C. viewers                      D. seers

   4/ Living in a distant town, students can’t get __________ to the internet easily.

  1. access          B. work               C. connect         D. relation

   5/ Town criers shouted the latest news _____________  they were walking through city streets.

  1. as         B. because              C. so            D. since

  6/  He spends a lot of time __________ the web every day.

        A. responding             B. looking              C. walking                D. surfing

  7/ Everyone is present here, ___________?

        A. isn’t he            B. isn’t she            C. are they       D. aren’t they

  8/ What is your response ___________ this forum.

       A. about                        B. for                         C. with                          D. to

  9/ People used to get the news __________  town criers.

       A. for                          B. on                       C. from                           D. with

  10/ “ I don’t like watching sports.” - “ ___________ .”

       A I do, too.            B. So do I.      C. I’m the opposite.  D. Yes, I do.


    1/ _____        2/ _____        3/ _____          4/ _____             5/ _____ 

    6/ _____       7/ _____         8/ _____          9/ _____           10/ _____ 


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  1. TEST 5 (1-10) Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in each sentence: 1/ Before the appearance of newspapers, people got new from the ___ . A. computer B. criers C. magazines D. television 2/ Remote controls are used to ___ with television. A. invent B. develop C. interact D. respond 3/ TV ___ can enjoy interesting programs by choosing the right channels. A. lookers B. watchers C. viewers D. seers 4/ Living in a distant town, students can’t get ___ to the internet easily. A. access B. work C. connect D. relation 5/ Town criers shouted the latest news ___ they were walking through city streets. A. as B. because C. so D. since 6/ He spends a lot of time ___ the web every day. A. responding B. looking C. walking D. surfing 7/ Everyone is present here, ___? A. isn’t he B. isn’t she C. are they D. aren’t they 8/ What is your response ___ this forum. A. about B. for C. with D. to 9/ People used to get the news ___ town criers. A. for B. on C. from D. with 10/ “ I don’t like watching sports.” - “ ___ .” A I do, too. B. So do I. C. I’m the opposite. D. Yes, I do. Answer: 1/ ___ 2/ ___ 3/ ___ 4/ ___ 5/ ___ 6/ ___ 7/ ___ 8/ ___ 9/ ___ 10/ ___ (11-12) Choose the underlined word or phrase(A,B,C, or D) that needs correcting: 11/ The first color TV was introduce since 1928. A B C D 12/ The teacher told me that there will be examination the following week. A B C D Answer: 11/ ___ 12/ ___ (13-16) Use the correct tense or form of the verbs in parentheses.
  2. 13/ She loves ___ to pop music. ( listen) 14/ Town criers shouted the latest news as they ___ through city streets. (walk) 15/ What do you want ___ this evening.(do) 16/ I think that ___ on the internet is a waste of time. ( chat) Answer: 1/ ___ 2/ ___ 3/ ___ 4/ ___ 17-22) Use the correct form of the words in parentheses: 17/ The internet is still ___ foe these students. ( cost) 18/ I like watching the news because it is very ___.( inform) 19/ The internet is a wonderful ___ of modern life. (invent) 20/ We believe the new program will be ___ to everyone. ( benefit) 21/ The internet has ___ developed and become part of our daily life. ( increase) 22/ These documents are not ___ to the public . (access) Answer: 1/ ___ 2/ ___ 3/ ___ 4/ ___ 5/ ___ 6/ ___ (23-28) Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in the following passage: Television first ( 23 ) ___ some fifty years ago in the 1950s. Since then, it has been one of the most (24 )___ sources of entertainment for both the old and the young. Television offers cartoon for children, world new, music and many other programs. If someone is interesting in sports, for (25 ) ___ , he can just choose the right sports channel. There he can enjoy a broadcast of an international football match (26)___ It is actually happening. Television is also a rery useful way for companies to advertise their products. It is not too hard for us to see why (27) ___ is a TV set in almost every home today. And, engineers are developing interactive TV (28) ___ allows communication between viewers and producers 23/ A. appeared B. invented C. came D. happened 24/ A. cheap B. expensive C. popular D. impressive 25/ A. sure B. certain C. case D. instance 26/ A. as B. so C. and D. or 27/ A. it B. this C. that D. there 28/ A. who B. which C. what D. it Answer:
  3. 1/ ___ 2/ ___ 3/ ___ 4/ ___ 5/ ___ 6/ ___ (29-32) Read the passage and then decide whether the statements that follow are true or false. Write True or False in your answersheet: Nowadays, informatics is one of the compulsory subjects in many large schools in our city. My school is among those that have just equipped with a rather modern computer system. This system consists of 30 machines linked to the internet and run by Window XP. All the students in my school like doing this new object because it has helped us very much in learning other ones, besides English. By using effective devices on the internet on like Google, we can easily find necessary data in time to do a better job in our study. True False ___ 29/ Informatics is one of the compulsory subjects in all schools in our city . ___30/ Informatics isn’t useful in our daily life. ___ 31/ By using effective devices on the internet like Google, we can easily find necessary data. ___ 32/ it has helped us very much in learning English and other ones (33-36) Rewrite the sentences so that they are nearest in meaning to the sentence printed before them. 33/ People have used the internet all over the world. The internet ___ 34/ Does your brother use the internet every day. your brother ___ 35/ Reading newspapers in the morning gives him pleasure. He enjoys ___ 36/ Do you like playing soccer? Are you___ Test 5 I. 1. is 2. being entered 3. has been/ started/ teaching/ moved 4. was built 5. worked II. 1. b 2. c 3. d 4. c 5. a 6. b 7. c 8. b 9. d 10. c III.
  4. 1. B 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. D IV. 1. Jack Lodon's life and writings are thought by many (people) to represent American love of adventure. 2. Jack London was born in San Fracisco in 1876. 3. He quit/ quitted school when he was 14 and became a sailor/ to become a sailor. 4. He traveled a good great deal during his short lifetime. 5. He traveled to many laces in Europe , the US and the Far East.