Tổng hợp bài tập ngữ pháp thi vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - Worksheet 11: Present perfect vs present perfect continuous

  1. I’m tired, because I …… have been working ………. (work) very hard. 
  2. He ………………………………………… (write) letters all morning.
  3. Catherina is getting fatter because she …………………………………… (eat) too much.
  4. My mother ………………………………………….. (peel) the potatoes all afternoon.
  5. Cathy …………………………………………… (attend) a cookery course since March.
  6. How long …………… you ………………………………………….. (learn) English?
  7. Where are my eye-glasses? I …………………………………………….. (look) for them for an hour.
  8. Charles ………………………………………………. (escape) from the police for years.
  9. How long …………… you ………………………………………… (use) a computer?
  10. Elizabeth ………………………………………….. (live) with Mike for three years.
  11. She ………………………………………………. (earn) quite a lot of money for the last two years.
  12. It …………………………………………………. (rain) fro six hours.
docx 2 trang Huệ Phương 04/04/2023 2920
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Nội dung text: Tổng hợp bài tập ngữ pháp thi vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - Worksheet 11: Present perfect vs present perfect continuous

  1. WORKSHEET 11 SUBJECT : Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous A) Use PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE to fill in the blanks: 1. I’m tired, because I have been working . (work) very hard. 2. He (write) letters all morning. 3. Catherina is getting fatter because she (eat) too much. 4. My mother (peel) the potatoes all afternoon. 5. Cathy (attend) a cookery course since March. 6. How long you (learn) English? 7. Where are my eye-glasses? I (look) for them for an hour. 8. Charles . (escape) from the police for years. 9. How long you (use) a computer? 10.Elizabeth (live) with Mike for three years. 11.She . (earn) quite a lot of money for the last two years. 12.It . (rain) fro six hours. B) Use PRESENT PERFECT TENSE or PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS to fill in the blanks: 1. I’ve bought / have been buying a new pair of shoes. 2. Have you finished / Have you been finishing reading that book yet? 3. They’ve eaten / have been eating fruit all afternoon, ever since they came from school. 4. I’ve been reading / have read this book now, so you can have it back. 5. I’ve been writing / have written eight pages already.
  2. 6. Your exam paper is completely blank! What have you been doing / have you done? 7. Oh, no! There’s nothing to eat. My sister has been eating / has eaten everything I left in the kitchen. 8. Oh, no! There’s no wine to drink. They have drunk / have been drinking all the wine. 9. No wonder your eyes hurt. You’ve been playing / have played computer games ever since you had your breakfast. 10.I haven’t seen / haven’t been seeing you for ages. 11.God! Hakan has scored / has been scoring. 12.They have danced / have been dancing for an hour. 13.I have been waiting / have waited for you for ages. 14.I’ve finished / ‘ve been finishing my work. 15.I’ve been writing / have written this letter for an hour. 16.He has visited / has been visiting ten museums this week. 17.I’m very tired. Because I have travelled / have been travelling around Istanbul all day. 18.She has found / has been finding a good job. 19.I’m hot because I have been running / have run. 20.I have written / have been writing letters for weeks.