Tổng hợp bài tập ngữ pháp thi vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - Worksheet 23: Passive form

Fill in the PASSIVE in the appropriate tense:


  1. (TV / invent / Baird)                                  …….. TV was invented by Baird. ……………..
  2. (Pyramids / build / Egyptians)                   ………………………………………………….
  3. (milk / produce / cows)                             ………………………………………………….
  4. (coffee / grow / in Brazil)                           …………………………………………………
  5. (chopsticks / use / in China)                       …………………………………………………
  6. (plants / water / every day)                         ………………………………………………..
  7. (the thief / arrest / policeman / yesterday)  ………………………………………………..
  8. (the injured man / take to a hospital / now) ………………………………………………..
  9. (the car / repair / tomorrow)                       …………………………………………………
  10. (the letter / send / last week)                      …………………………………………………


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Nội dung text: Tổng hợp bài tập ngữ pháp thi vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - Worksheet 23: Passive form

  1. WORKSHEET 23 SUBJECT : Passive Form A) Fill in the PASSIVE in the appropriate tense: 1. (TV / invent / Baird) TV was invented by Baird. 2. (Pyramids / build / Egyptians) . 3. (milk / produce / cows) . 4. (coffee / grow / in Brazil) 5. (chopsticks / use / in China) 6. (plants / water / every day) 7. (the thief / arrest / policeman / yesterday) 8. (the injured man / take to a hospital / now) 9. (the car / repair / tomorrow) 10.(the letter / send / last week) B) Put the verbs in brackets into PRESENT SIMPLE PASSIVE: There is a chimpanzee which is called (call) “Bubbles”. It (own) by Michael Johnson. It . (keep) in his home. It . .(feed) every day by Michael Johnson himself. It (always / dress) in funny clothes. It . (said) that “Bubbles” is Michael Johnson’s only friend.
  2. C) Look at the Hotel Information table and write sentences as in the example: Hotel Information Breakfast Rooms In Pierrot’s Restaurant 7-9:30 am Maid Service daily Dinner Hot water In Main Restaurant 8-10 pm 24 hours a day Newspapers – Telephone calls Hotel Cinema At the Reception Desk Film every night at 10 pm 1. Breakfast / serve – where and when? Breakfast is served in Pierrot’s Restaurant between 7 and 9:30 am. 2. Dinner / serve – where and when? 3. Newspapers / sell – where? 4. Telephone calls / can make – where? 5. Rooms / clean – who by and how often? 6. Hot water / supply – when? 7. Films / show – where and when? D) Put the verbs in brackets into PAST SIMPLE PASSIVE: Two men were seen . (see) breaking into a house in my street last night. The police . (call) and they arrived very quickly. One man .
  3. (catch) immediately. The other escaped, but he . (find) very soon. Both men (take) to the police station where they . . (question) separately by a police officer. The two men . (charge) with burglary. E) Turn from ACTIVE into PASSIVE: 1. The gardener has planted some trees. . Some trees have been planted by the gardener 2. Doctor Brown will give you some advice. 3. A famous designer will redecorate the hotel. 4. Steven Spielberg directed “E.T.” 5. Someone has broken the crystal vase. 6. His parents have brought him up to be polite. 7. Fleming discovered penicillin. 8. They will advertise the product on television. 9. Someone is remaking that film. 10.Picasso painted that picture.
  4. F) Using the PASSIVE, ask questions to which the bold type words are answers: 1. Columbus discovered America. Who was America discovered by ? 2. We keep money in a safe. ? 3. A bee stung him. ? 4. They speak Italian in Italy. ? 5. They have taken his aunt to hospital. ? 6. The boys damaged the television. ? 7. Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa. ? 8. He invited 30 people to his party. ? 9. They grow bananas in Africa. ? G) Turn from ACTIVE into PASSIVE: 1. You must leave the bathroom tidy. The bathroom must be left tidy. 2. You should water this plant daily. 3. Our neighbor ought to paint the garage. . 4. I have to return these books to the library. 5. You must extinguish your cigarettes. . 6. You must dry-clean this shirt. . 7. Someone will pay you in ten days. . 8. You can improve your health with more exercise.
  5. 9. People must obey the law. . 10.The cleaner is going to mop the kitchen floor. H) Turn from ACTIVE into PASSIVE: 1. Someone is helping her with the hosework. 1. A pickpocket robbed me. . 2. The mail-order company sent Mrs. Green a parcel. . 3. A dog is chasing the cild. . 4. My friend sent me an invitation. . 5. The farmer is building a new barn. . 6. The secretary has given Mrs. Jones some letters. . 7. The traffic warden had already given him a ticket for illegal parking. . 8. Someone had broken our door down. . 9. They chose him as the best actor of the year. . I) Turn form ACTIVE into PASSIVE as in the example: 1. He gave me a present. a) I was given a present. b) A present was given to me. 2. The waiter will bring us the bill. a) b) 3. The Queen presented him with a medal. a) b)
  6. 4. Her mother bought Mary some sweets. a) b) 5. Bob has sold Ted a second-hand car. a) b) 6. Larry is going to send a letter to Tom. a) b) J) Rewrite the following passage in the PASSIVE: Some people saw a UFO in the sky above London last night. They reported it to the police. The army sent a helicopter to look at it more closely. The UFO shot the helicopter down and killed both men in it. People have given photographs of the UFO to the police. Experts are looking ar them now. K) Rewrite the following passage in the PASSIVE: Somebody has stolen a bus from outside the school. Some children saw the thief. The police are searching for the bus now. They will use the children’s descriptions to catch the thief. L) Rewrite the following passage in the PASSIVE: Someone broke into a local jewellery shop yesterday. The owner had just locked up the shop when a robber with a gun threatened him. The robber told him to unlock the shop and give him all the diamonds in the safe. Then the robber tied him up. The police have organized a search for the robber. They hope they will find him in a few days. Doctors are treating the owner of the shop for shock. M) Rewrite the following passage in the PASSIVE: My uncle painted this picture. Someone has offered him a lot of money for it. He will deliver the painting tomorrow. When they give him the money he will tell them the truth. He painted it one night while he was sleepwalking!
  7. N) Rewrite the following passage in the PASSIVE: Our school is organizing a contest. The teachers will choose the best project about the environment. The students must include pictures and drawings in their projects. The students will also have to do all the writing themselves. The school will give the winner a set of encyclopaedias. O) Make questions in the PASSIVE from these cues: Example: Where / our local newspaper / print Where is our local newspaper printed? 1. How many / photos / store / in the photo library ? 2. photographs / develop / in the photo library ? 3. Where / messages / receive ? 4. the Daily Mirror / print / in Manchester ? 5. this magazine / sell / in Spain ? 6. Why / newspapers / send abroad ? 7. When / the newspaper / print ? 8. How / newspapers / deliver ? 9. Where / stories / write ? 10.a lot of paper / use / for each issue
  8. ? P) Write sentences in the PASSIVE.Use these phrases: * in the sea * at school * in the kitchen * at the post office * in Australia * in Italy * at weddings * in Mediterranean countries * in the cinema Example: olives / grow Olives are grown in Mediterranean countries. 1. films / show . 2. meals / cook . 3. stamps / sell . 4. pandas / find . 5. Italian / speak . 6. confetti / throw . 7. lessons / teach . 8. sharks / find .