Tổng hợp bài tập ngữ pháp thi vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - Worksheet 42: Some, any, every, no, with, body, one, thing, where


  1. Do you have ……………………………. in your pocket?
  2. Bob doesn’t have …………………………… in his pocket.
  3. My roommate is speaking to ………………………… on the phone.
  4. Ann didn’t tell ………………………. her secret.
  5. I talked to ……………………… at the phone company about my bill.
  6. Jane gave me ……………………….. for my birthday.
  7. Paul didn’t give me …………………………. for my birthday.
  8. Did Paul give you …………………………. for your birthday?
  9. My brother is sitting at his desk, and he is writing a letter to ……………………… .
  10. A: The room is empty.

B: You’re right. There is …………………………. to talk to here.

  1. A: What did you do last night?

B: I didn’t do ……………………… .

  1. They won’t go ……………………….. after dark.
  2. A: Does ………………………… have a red pen?

B: Yes. Betty does.

  1. If ……………………… wants to leave early, he or she can.
  2. There is ……………………….. at the door. Can you go and see who it is?
docx 4 trang Huệ Phương 04/04/2023 3960
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Nội dung text: Tổng hợp bài tập ngữ pháp thi vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - Worksheet 42: Some, any, every, no, with, body, one, thing, where

  1. WORKSHEET 42 SUBJECT : SOME- / ANY- / EVERY- / NO- with –body / -one / -thing / -where A) Complete the sentences using SOMEONE / ANYONE / NO ONE / SOMETHING / ANYTHING / NOTHING / SOMEWHERE / ANYHWHERE / NOWHERE / EVERYONE / EVERYTHING / EVERYWHERE: 1. Do you have . in your pocket? 2. Bob doesn’t have in his pocket. 3. My roommate is speaking to on the phone. 4. Ann didn’t tell . her secret. 5. I talked to at the phone company about my bill. 6. Jane gave me for my birthday. 7. Paul didn’t give me . for my birthday. 8. Did Paul give you . for your birthday? 9. My brother is sitting at his desk, and he is writing a letter to . 10.A: The room is empty. B: You’re right. There is . to talk to here. 11.A: What did you do last night? B: I didn’t do . 12.They won’t go after dark. 13.A: Does have a red pen? B: Yes. Betty does. 14.If wants to leave early, he or she can. 15.There is at the door. Can you go and see who it is? B) Complete the sentences using SOMEONE / ANYONE / NO ONE / SOMETHING / ANYTHING / NOTHING / SOMEWHERE / ANYHWHERE / NOWHERE / EVERYONE / EVERYTHING / EVERYWHERE: 1. The bus was completely empty. There was on it. 2. The party was very nice. enjoyed it. 3. Tom is very popular. likes him. 4. was very kind to us. They helped us too much. 5. can make her happy because she is very sad now. 6. I opened the door but there was there.
  2. 7. telephoned the police but he didn’t give his name. 8. Is living in that house? It looks empty. 9. I heard . falling down the stairs. 10. is here, no absentees. 11.Jane was very hungry, so she wanted to go to eat a hamburger. 12.John went exciting last week. 13.She stayed in İstanbul for a month and visited in this city. 14.What’s wrong? Have you got in your eye? 15.Does mind if I smoke? 16.A: Where did you go for your holidays? B: . I stayed at home. 17.The accident looked serious but fortunately was injured. 18.A: What did you have for breakfast? B: . . I don’t usually have for breakfast. C) Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning: Example: There wasn’t anyone in front of me in the cinema. There was no one in front of me in the cinema. 1. They don’t know anyone in this town. They know . 2. She met no one at the bus-stop. She didn’t 3. You told nobody to go with you. You 4. We ate nothing until dinner. We didn’t 5. She told no one nothing about last night. She didn’t 6. She didn’t tell anybody about her plans. She told . 7. I didn’t say anything. I said 8. The station isn’t anywhere near here. The station is .
  3. 9. I don’t want anything to drink. I want . 10.We did nothing during our vacation. We D) Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box: somebody anybody nobody everybody a) Woman : Hello. Can I speak to somebody in the Accounts Office, please? Man : I’m sorry, madam. It’s after 6:00. There isn’t . in the Accounts Office now. has gone home. Woman : But I must speak to today. Man : I’m sorry. There’s here. Can you phone back in the morning? There will be . here then. something anything nothing everything b) Mother : Would you like . to eat? Daughter : No, thanks. I don’t want at the moment, thank you. Mother : But you’ve had to eat all day. Is all right? Are you feeling ill? Daughter : No. Don’t worry. . is fine. I’m just not hungry. That’s all. somewhere anywhere nowhere everywhere c) Man : I’ve got . to stay. I need for two nights. I’ve tried all the hotels near here, but is full. I can’t find a room . .
  4. E) Rewrite the sentences. Use the words in brackets: 1. There isn’s anything in the fridge. (nothing) . There’s nothing in the fridge. 2. I’ve got nothing to say. (anything) 3. There’s nobody at home. (anybody) 4. They haven’t got anywhere to live. (nowhere) 5. There isn’t anyone outside. (no one) 6. We’ve got nowhere to sit down. (anywhere)