Tổng hợp bài tập ngữ pháp thi vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - Worksheet 46: Articles

Put in A / AN or THE. Sometimes you don’t need either word – you leave it blank.


  1. There was ………….. waiter standing at ………… entrance of ………… restaurant. I ordered him ……….. glass of ………. vodka with some juice in it.
  2. There was ……….. question I wanted to ask ……….. biology teacher about ………. cangroo. She had said ………… cangroo carried her baby in ……….. kind of bag in ………. front part of ……….. her body. I wanted to know how many baby cangroos it could carry at ……….. time.
  3. “Is that your wife?”

“No, my wife’s ………. woman in ………. red dress.”

  1. I work with ………. man and two women. ………. man is quite nice, but ………. women 

are not very friendly.

  1. What’s in ……… newspaper?
  2. Can you show me ………. that book, please?
  3. What’s ………. name of ………. woman in ………. blue dress?
  4. ……….. water turns into ……….. ice at 0 degree C.
  5. I like ………… steak, but I don’t like ……….. eggs.
  6. She lives in ………… nice flat on ………. fifth floor of ……….. old house.
docx 5 trang Huệ Phương 04/04/2023 3360
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Nội dung text: Tổng hợp bài tập ngữ pháp thi vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - Worksheet 46: Articles

  1. WORKSHEET 46 SUBJECT : Articles A) Put in A / AN or THE. Sometimes you don’t need either word – you leave it blank. 1. There was waiter standing at entrance of restaurant. I ordered him glass of . vodka with some juice in it. 2. There was question I wanted to ask biology teacher about . cangroo. She had said cangroo carried her baby in kind of bag in . front part of her body. I wanted to know how many baby cangroos it could carry at time. 3. “Is that your wife?” “No, my wife’s . woman in . red dress.” 4. I work with . man and two women. . man is quite nice, but . women are not very friendly. 5. What’s in newspaper? 6. Can you show me . that book, please? 7. What’s . name of . woman in . blue dress? 8. water turns into ice at 0 degree C. 9. I like steak, but I don’t like eggs. 10.She lives in nice flat on . fifth floor of old house. 11.It’s terrible - eggs are $ 2 dozen. 12.There was . boy and . girl in the room. boy was Japanese but girl looked foreign. She was wearing fur coat. 13.This morning I bought . newspaper and magazine. . newspaper is in my bag but I don’t know where magazine is. 14.“Have you got . car?” “No, I’ve never had . car in my life.” 15.We don’t go to cinema very much these days. In fact, in . town where we live there isn’t cinema. 16.Don’t stay in that hotel. beds are very uncomfortable.
  2. 17.After I leave school, I want to go to university. B) Put in A / AN or THE. Sometimes you don’t need either word – you leave it blank. 1. John Colloway is . bank manager. He works in bank in center of London. Every morning he gets up at seven o’clock, has breakfast and cup of coffee, and reads .”Times”. Then he goes to . work by bus. In . morning, he usually makes telephone calls, sees customers and dictates letters. He has . lunch at restaurant near bank. In afternoon he works until five or five-thirty, and then goes . home. He doesn’t work on Saturdays or Sundays; he goes to cinema or reads. He likes . novels and history. He is not married. He has sister in . Oxford and brother in London. 2. Have you got camera? 3. You need . visa to visit foreign countries, but not all of them. 4. When we reached the city center, shops were still open but most of them were already closed. 5. Jack has got very long legs, so he’s fast runner. 6. I’m looking for job. And did Ann get . job she applied for? 7. Did . police find . person who stole your bicycle? 8. We went out for meal last night. restaurant we went to was excellent. 9. This morning I had boiled egg and toast for breakfast. 10.Tom always gives Ann . flowers on her birthday. 11.I went into the shop and asked to speak to manager. 12.There’s no need to buy any milk. . milkman brings it every morning. 13.It was warm and sunny, so we decided to sit in garden. 14.Jane is teacher. Her parents were teachers too. 15.Bill’s got big feet. 16.Would you like to be actor? C) Put a suitable article into the blanks: 1. My neighbour is photographer; let’s ask him for advice about colour films.
  3. 2. I had very bad night; I didn’t sleep . wink. 3. He is vegeterian; you won’t get . meat at his house. 4. youngest boy has just started going to school; . eldest boy is at college. 5. I went to school to talk to headmistress. I persuaded her to let Ann give up . gymnastics and take . ballet lessons instead. 6. There was . knock on . door. I opened it and found small dark man in . check overcoat and soft hat. 7. - Are John and Mary cousins? - No, they aren’t . cousins; they are brother and sister. 8. postman’s little boy says that he’d rather be dentist than doctor, because . dentists don’t get called out at night. 9. - Would you like to hear story about Englishman, . Irishman and . Scotsman? - No. I’ve heard stories about Englishmen, Irishmen and Scotsmen before and they are all same. 10.“ . modern burglars don’t hide under . beds.” said her daughter. 11. most of stories that people tell about Irish aren’t true. 12.Like many women, she loves tea parties and gossip. 13.On Sundays my father stays in . bed till ten o’clock, reading . Sunday papers. 14.I have little money left; let’s have dinner in restaurant. 15.- I hope you have lovely time and good weather. - But I’m not going for holiday; I’m going on . business. 16.During . meal he gives her . instructions about . garden and she tells him . village gossip. 17.My mother goes to church in . morning, and in afternoon goes to visit friends. D) Some of the blank spaces below need ARTICLES, others do not. Fill in the articles where needed. 1. Tobacco is one of most important products of South. 2. . fresh air is needed by all people.
  4. 3. . cotton which comes from Alabama is better than . cotton which comes from Oklahoma. 4. air in this room is fresh. 5. . important products which we ger from India are tea, cotton, and rice. 6. . telephone seldom rings in our home. 7. . silver is . conductor of . electricity. 8. I get on train at same place every day. 9. rain and sun are needed for . raising of . vegetables. 10.Mary is waving to us from across . street. 11. sun is shining but part of sky is still covered with clouds. 12. . women use much make-up. 13.Sometimes everyone must take medicine. 14. . coffee will keep you awake all night. 15. . medicine which doctor prescribed helped me. 16. . tea seems to keep some people awake. 17.He likes to study French. 18. . coffee is very strong. 19.In that course, we study . history of all important countries of Asia. 20. . coffee which comes from Brazil is best. E) Some of the blank spaces below need ARTICLES, others do not. Fill in the articles where needed. 1. He went to Spain last month. 2. When you go to . Spain, be sure to see . Madrid. 3. He works in building on corner of . Tenth Ave. and 62nd St. 4. Tokyo is largest city in World. 5. traffic on Jones Avenue is heavy. 6. Miami is center of tobacco industry. 7. Rio Grande River forms . boundary between . U.S. and Mexico. 8. rivers of eastern part of . United States flow toward . East Coast. 9. . largest river in . America is . Mississippi.
  5. 10. . New York subway trains are very comfortable. 11. . climate of southern Florida is very nice all year. 12. . capital of . France is Paris, but . capital of . England is London. 13. Tenth Street has some very nice shops. 14.Some of . Tenth Street shops are very inexpensive, too. 15. President will be on TV tonight.