Tổng hợp bài tập ngữ pháp thi vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - Worksheet 47: So that, to, in order to, in case

Combine the sentences using the words in brackets:


  1. Jane gave up smoking because she wanted to save money. (in order to)

………Jane gave up smoking in order to save money. …………..

  1. I came here so that I could see you. (in order to)


  1. We put a fence. We want to prevent the rabbit escape.


  1. She went shopping so she could buy herself a television. (to)


  1. I put the food in the fridge because I wanted it to get cold. (in order to)


  1. Jane saved money. She wanted to buy a present for Harry. (in order to)


  1. Harry left early because he didn’t want to miss the bus. (in order not to)


  1. They will let the students use calculators in the exam. They don’t want them to spend a lot of time. (so that)


  1. The teacher tested the students. She wanted to see if they remembered the things they had learnt. (in order to)


  1. She didn’t leave her son home alone. She thought he might have an accident. (in case)


docx 6 trang Huệ Phương 04/04/2023 2520
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Nội dung text: Tổng hợp bài tập ngữ pháp thi vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - Worksheet 47: So that, to, in order to, in case

  1. WORKSHEET 47 SUBJECT : Purpose: So that / to / In order to / In Case A) Combine the sentences using the words in brackets: 1. Jane gave up smoking because she wanted to save money. (in order to) Jane gave up smoking in order to save money. 2. I came here so that I could see you. (in order to) 3. We put a fence. We want to prevent the rabbit escape. . 4. She went shopping so she could buy herself a television. (to) . 5. I put the food in the fridge because I wanted it to get cold. (in order to) . 6. Jane saved money. She wanted to buy a present for Harry. (in order to) . 7. Harry left early because he didn’t want to miss the bus. (in order not to) . 8. They will let the students use calculators in the exam. They don’t want them to spend a lot of time. (so that) . 9. The teacher tested the students. She wanted to see if they remembered the things they had learnt. (in order to) . 10.She didn’t leave her son home alone. She thought he might have an accident. (in case) . 11.He tried to hide the broken vase. He didn’t want to be punished. (so that) 12.She wants to sign a contact. She doesn’t want them to change their minds. (in case) 13.I turned up the radio. I wanted to listen to the news. (so that) 14.Sue lowered the volume on the TV set. She didn’t want to disturb her roommate. (so that)
  2. 15.I’ll be in my office until late this evening. You may need to get in touch with me. (in case) 16.I’ll give you my phone number. You may need to speak to me. (in case) 17.Tom signed his friend’s birthday on the calender. He thought he might forget it. (in case) B) Complete the following sentences: 1. He decided to take a taxi so that 2. Mr. Brown booked his room at the hotel in case . 3. Betsy studies her lessons regularly so that 4. Mark phoned his friend in order to 5. You’d better call Susan and remind her the date of the party in case . 6. I need to buy some laundry detergent so that . 7. I need a pen so that 8. I’m taking a bus instead of flying so that 9. Ralph borrowed some money from his friend so that 10.Martina is trying to improve her English so that 11. so that his children will have a better life. 12. so that you can be ready to leave on time.
  3. 13.Mary hurried to get the child out of the road so that . 14.I took off my gloves in order to . 15. in order to erase a mistake in his composition. 16. so that I could tell him the news in person. 17.I think I’d better clean up my flat in case 18.She locked the door before going to bed in case 19.The teacher reminded the students the common test dates in case . 20.He always carries his umbrella in case C) Combine each pair of sentences using “ IN CASE “: 1. You’d better take a sweater. It might get cold. . 2. We’d better book a table. The restaurant might be full. 3. You ought to insure your jewellery. It might get stolen. . 4. I’m watching this saucepan. The water might boil over. . 5. I’ll leave you my phone number. You might want to contact me. . D) Join the sentences: 1. He tried to find a car park. He wanted to park his car. (in order to)
  4. . 2. Mrs. Brown hid the ball. She didn’t Bill to play football. (so that) . 3. They got up early. They didn’t want to miss the bus. (in case) 4. Mary is wearing glasses. She wants to see better. (so that) 5. My father often takes his car to the mechanic. He doesn’t want it to break down. (in case) 6. Molly is eating less bread. She doesn’t want to put on weight. (in case) 7. Sally usually wears a thick coat. She doesn’t want to catch a cold. (in order not to) 8. Mr. Short used a long ladder. He wanted to reach the high ceiling. (so that) 9. My father gave me extra money. He didn’t want me to borrow any from my friends. (in case) 10.Andrew’s friends visited him. They wanted to congratulate him on his graduation. (in order to) 11.I’m learning English. I want to get a better job. (to) 12.The driver stopped. Then the children could cross the road. (so that)
  5. 13.Tom put the cream in the fridge. That would keep it cool. (to) 14.Mark is going to repair the roof. Then the rain won’t come in. (so that) 15.We often switch off the heating. It saves money. (in order to) 16.Pamela wore boots. Her feet wouldn’t get wet. (so that) E) Complete the sentences: 1. She’ll start on a diet so that . 2. They went to Migros so that 3. Shee bought a new dress so that 4. I’ll give you a map so that 5. Take your umbrella in case 6. I left the key for you in case . 7. Take your torch with you in case . 8. Ian went to the bank in order to 9. Jeremy is going to wear a suit in order to . 10.David put on the kettle in order to 11.Alec hurried in order not to
  6. 12.I closed the door of my room in order not to