Tổng hợp bài tập ngữ pháp thi vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - Worksheet 50: Gerund or infinitive

Use the GERUND or INFINITIVE forms of the verbs:

  1. He gave up ………………………….. (gamble).
  2. He told me …………… (try) ………………………….. (come) early.
  3. I advised him …………………. (ask) the bus conductor ……………………… (tell) him where ……………………….. (get) off.
  4. We are looking forward to ……………………….. (read) your new book.
  5. I don’t enjoy ………………………….. (go) to the dentist.
  6. A: Did you remember ……………………………. (give) him the money?

B: No, I didn’t. I still have it in my pocket; but I’ll ………………………. (see) him tonight and I promise ……………………………… (not / forget) this time.

  1. I saw the plane ………………………. (crash) in to the hill and …………………………. (burst) into flames.
  2. He is said ………………… (be) the best surgeon in the country.
  3. We don’t want anybody ………………. (know) we are here.
  4. A: Why didn’t you pay the bill for him?

B: I offered …………………. (pay), but he refused.

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Nội dung text: Tổng hợp bài tập ngữ pháp thi vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - Worksheet 50: Gerund or infinitive

  1. WORKSHEET 50 SUBJECT : Gerund or Infinitive A) Use the GERUND or INFINITIVE forms of the verbs: 1. He gave up (gamble). 2. He told me (try) (come) early. 3. I advised him . (ask) the bus conductor (tell) him where (get) off. 4. We are looking forward to (read) your new book. 5. I don’t enjoy (go) to the dentist. 6. A: Did you remember . (give) him the money? B: No, I didn’t. I still have it in my pocket; but I’ll . (see) him tonight and I promise (not / forget) this time. 7. I saw the plane . (crash) in to the hill and . (burst) into flames. 8. He is said (be) the best surgeon in the country. 9. We don’t want anybody . (know) we are here. 10.A: Why didn’t you pay the bill for him? B: I offered . (pay), but he refused. 11.He was accused of (steal) the valuable vase. 12.I don’t feel like (work); what about . (go) to a disco instead? 13.Imagine . (live) with someone who never stops (talk). 14.A: Do the boys tidy their own rooms? B: They are supposed (tidy), but they don’t always. 15.I hope the children won’t go near the water. I warned them (not / go) near it. 16.Try to avoid (make) him angry. 17.Would you mind (write) your name and address on the back of the cheque? 18.After (read) this article, will you give up (smoke)? 19.I suggest (hold) another meeting next week.
  2. 20.I have no intention of . (go) to that film; I couldn’t bear (see) my favorite actress in such a dreadful part. 21.Try . (forget) it; it’s not worth (worry) about. 22.I advise you (start) . (look) for a flat at once. 23.He hates (answer) the phone, and very often just lets it (ring). 24.It is usually easier . (learn) a subject by (read) books than by . (listen) to lectures. 25.Don’t forget (lock) the door before (go) to bed. 26.I arranged (meet) them here. 27.He tried (explain) but she refused (listen). 28.I regret . (inform) you that your application has been refused. 29.Your windows need (clean); would you like me (do) them for you? 30.I can’t help (sneeze); I caught a cold yesterday from . (sit) in a draught. 31.I absolutely remember . (pay) him. I gave him $20. 32.You’ll never regret (do) a kind action. 33.A: Did you remember (lock) the door? B: No, I didn’t. I’d better (go) and . (do) it now. 34.I’m very sorry for . (be) late; it was good of you . (wait) for me. 35.You don’t need . (ask) his permission every time you want (leave) the room. 36.I except him (apologize) to me. 37.We got tired of (wait) for the weather (clear) and finally decided (set) out in the rain. 38.I can hear the bell (ring), but nobody seem to be coming (open) the door.
  3. 39.There are people who can’t help (laugh) when they see someone (slip) on a banana skin. 40.They don’t allow (smoke) here. B) Use the GERUND or INFINITIVE forms of the verbs in brackets: 1. After she had decided (stay) in Turkey, she got used to (eat) Turkish foods. 2. They seem . (have) plenty of money. 3. I’m sorry sir, I’m late, but I promise (not / be) late again. 4. I remember (go) to the cinema with my girl friend when I was a teenager. 5. He is ashamed of (steal) that money. 6. I think we’d better . (exchange) names and addresses. 7. Would you mind . (show) me how (work) the new machine? 8. She warned her child (not / touch) the wire. 9. Can you manage (finish) (pack) these parcels alone? 10.His doctor advised him (give up) (sit) up late at night? C) Supply the appropriate form of the verbs: 1. She never admits (make) mistakes. 2. Please avoid . (be) alone with him. 3. When you finish (do) your homework, call me. 4. She’s considering (be) a member of T.E.D. Club. 5. On Sundays I always practise (talk) English with my aunt. 6. Do you fancy (play) tennis this afternoon? 7. I dislike . (study) history. 8. Please try to escape (make) him angry. 9. I enjoy (walk) in the rain. 10.She can’t afford (buy) a car. 11.I decided (go) on Saturday. 12.Don’t forget (tell) him the news. 13.They managed (pass) their exams.
  4. 14.He refused (see) me again. 15.Remember . (post) the letters. 16.She seems (be) happy. 17.He waited . (get) his salary. 18.He’ll hire a man (kill) them. 19.He advised . (study) hard. 20.I’m sorry for (keep) you late. 21.I’m interested in (play) tennis. 22.Instead of (study) Alice watched TV. 23.He apologized for (come) late. 24.He succeeded in (pass) his exam. 25.I’m looking forward to . (go) to London. 26.We’re thinking of (travel) by train. 27.Do you feel like . (go) for a swim? 28.Do you have any good reason for . (not / call) me? 29.Thank you for (help) me carry the goods. 30.The little boy’s mother warned him (not / eat) so many apples. 31.They reminded me (do) my assignment. 32.The children are excited about (go) to the movies. 33.She always puts off . (do) the laundry. 34.Bob refused . (talk) about his problems. 35.Cindy told him (not / wait) for her. 36.He suggested (go) home when he got sick. 37.Who is responsible for (tidy) the room? 38.Henry is quite good at (make up) stories. 39.We’re planning on . (go / swim) this weekend. 40.I couldn’t persuade him (come) with me. 41.Can you touch your toes without (bend) your knees? 42.I can’t help (look) at her. 43.Do you have any difficulty in (speak) English? 44.Please remind me (take) my photo. 45.I persuaded my mother (give) me permission to go out. 46.He will arrange (meet) me at the airport. 47.He waited . (get) his salary. 48.I regret . (say) you that he is ill. 49.Jim can’t stand (be) interrupted.
  5. 50.When Sam got tired, he stopped (work). 51.I remember . (play) with dolls when I was a child. 52.I regret (not / listen) to my father’s advice. He was right. 53.The thief was accused of . (steal) a woman purse. D) Complete with GERUND or INFINITIVE: 1. He suggested dinner in a Chinese restaurant. 2. I’ll give it back when I finish it. 3. I remembered . to the chemists for you. Here’s your medicine. 4. I remember him last night. 5. Would you like to some music? 6. I regret that I won’t be able to come to the meeting.