Tổng hợp bài tập ngữ pháp thi vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - Worksheet 7: Present simple and present continuous tense

Make questions and answers. Use THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS:

     Example: (she / work / in Peru / this year?)                           (No, she / study / in Mexico)

                       Is she working in Peru this year?                         No. She’s studying in Mexico.


    1. (you / study / English / at the moment?)                             (Yes, I / work / hard.)

         …………………………………………..                           ………………………………….

    2. (they / listen / to the radio?)                                                (No, they / play / CDs.)

         …………………………………………..                           ………………………………….

    3. (Peter / wash / now?)                                                          (Yes, he / have / a bath.)

         …………………………………………..                            …………………………………

    4. (they / live / in Madrid / at the moment?)                           (Yes, they / learn / Spanish.)

         …………………………………………..                            …………………………………

    5. (David / sing / in a group / this year?)                                 (No, he / work / in a restaurant.)

         …………………………………………..                            …………………………………

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Nội dung text: Tổng hợp bài tập ngữ pháp thi vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - Worksheet 7: Present simple and present continuous tense

  1. WORKSHEET 7 SUBJECT : Present Simple and Present Continuous Tense A) Make questions and answers. Use THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS: Example: (she / work / in Peru / this year?) (No, she / study / in Mexico) Is she working in Peru this year? No. She’s studying in Mexico. 1. (you / study / English / at the moment?) (Yes, I / work / hard.) . 2. (they / listen / to the radio?) (No, they / play / CDs.) . 3. (Peter / wash / now?) (Yes, he / have / a bath.) 4. (they / live / in Madrid / at the moment?) (Yes, they / learn / Spanish.) 5. (David / sing / in a group / this year?) (No, he / work / in a restaurant.) B) Write TRUE next to a correct sentence, and FALSE next to a wrong sentence: Example: She’s liking pop music. FALSE He’s learning German. TRUE 1. They’re enjoying the film. 6. She’s eating a banana.
  2. 2. We’re loving ice-cream. 7. I’m feeling sick. 3. She’s believing he’s right. 8. “Huge” is meaning “very big”. . 4. John’s thinking about my idea. 9. Mick is knowing Jane. 5. He’s having lunch at the moment. . 10. She’s hating classical music. C) Complete this conversation. Use the verbs in brackets ( ) in the PRESENT CONTINUOUS Paul : Hi Steve! What are you doing? Steve : . (I / go) to the bank. What are you doing? Paul : . (I / shop). . (I / look) for a new tennis racquet. . (I / play) a lot of tennis at the moment, and I need a new racquet. Steve : Where is Jackie? Do you know? Paul : Yes. She isn’t in England at the moment. She / work) in Germany for a month. Steve : What (she / do) in Germany? Paul : (She / sing) in a night-club. Steve : Really? What about Fred and Sue? What .(they / do)? Paul : . (They / study) for an exam. They’re always in the library at the moment. Steve : How is your sister? Is she all right? Paul : Yes, she’s fine, but she’s tired. (We / paint) the living-room. It’s hard work. Steve : Can I help you? Paul : No, it’s OK. My father . (help). Steve : Well, I hope you find a good racquet. C) This is Anna’s first letter in English to David. There are some mistakes. Rewrite wrong
  3. verb forms .Underline if the verb form is correct: Dear David, I live . in a large flat in Rome. I’m having have two sisters. They are called Rosa and Maria. We are getting up at seven o’clock every morning, and we have coffee and a small breakfast. I leave the flat at eight and walk to the university. I am finishing . classes at five every day, and I arrive home at six. This month I work very hard for my exams. At the moment, I eat breakfast in the kitchen of our flat, my mother drinks coffee, and my sisters are reading magazines. On Saturday afternoons I am playing . tennis with my friends, or I go to the cinema. Today, I’m going to see a new English film. Sometimes I am watching . American films on TV, but I’m not understanding the words! Are you liking . films? Please write to me soon. With best wishes, Anna D) Write sentences. Use the PRESENT SIMPLE or the PRESENT CONTINUOUS: Example: (Usually she / work / at the office, but this week she / work / at home.) Usually she works at the office, but this week she’s working at home. 1. (You / not / eat / very much at the moment. Are you ill?)
  4. 2. (She / know / three words in Italian!) 3. (I / take / the bus to work this week, but usually I / walk) 4. (I / study / Japanese this year. It’s very difficult.) 5. (you / watch / the television at the moment?) 6. (I / not / remember / the name of the hotel.) 7. (She / speak / three languages.) 1. (The sun / shine /. It’s a beautiful day!)