Đề luyện thi vào Lớp 10 chuyên Tiếng Anh - Đề 78 (Có đáp án)

Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.

A recent survey of crime statistics shows that we are all more likely to be burgled now than 20 years ago and the police advise everyone to take a few simple precautions to protect their homes. 

The first fact is that burglars and other intruders prefer easy opportunities, like a house which is very obviously empty. This is much less of a challenge than an occupied house, and one which is well-protected. A burglar will wonder if it is worth the bother.

There are some general tips on how to avoid your home becoming another crime statistic. Avoid leaving signs that your house is empty. When you have to go out, leave at least one light on as well as a radio or television, and do not leave any curtains wide open. The sight of your latest music centre or computer is enough to tempt any burglar.

Never leave a spare key in a convenient hiding place. The first place a burglar will look is under the doormat or in a flower pot and even somewhere more 'imaginative' could soon be uncovered by the intruder. It is much safer to leave a key with a neighbour you can trust. But if your house is in a quiet, desolate area be aware that this will be a burglar's dream, so deter any potential criminal from approaching your house by fitting security lights to the outside of your house.

But what could happen if, in spite of the aforementioned precautions, a burglar or intruder has decided to target your home. Windows are usually the first point of entry for many intruders. Downstairs windows provide easy access while upstairs windows can be reached with a ladder or by climbing up the drainpipe. Before going to bed you should double-check that all windows and shutters are locked. No matter how small your windows may be, it is surprising what a narrow gap a determined burglar can manage to get through. For extra security, fit window locks to the inside of the window.

What about entry via doors? Your back door and patio doors, which are easily forced open, should have top quality security locks fitted. Even though this is expensive it will be money well spent. Install a burglar alarm if you can afford it as another line of defence against intruders.

A sobering fact is that not all intruders have to break and enter into a property. Why go to the trouble of breaking in if you can just knock and be invited in? Beware of bogus officials or workmen and, particularly if you are elderly, fit a chain and an eye hole so you can scrutinise callers at your leisure. When you do have callers never let anybody into your home unless you are absolutely sure they are genuine. Ask to see an identity card, for example.

If you are in the frightening position of waking in the middle of the night and think you can hear an intruder, then on no account should you approach the intruder. It is far better to telephone the police and wait for help.

11. A well-protected house …………

A. is less likely to be burgled.                  B. is regarded as a challenge by most criminals.

C. is a lot of bother to maintain.               D. is very unlikely to be burgled.

 12. According to the writer, we should …………

A. avoid leaving our house empty.          B. only go out when we have to.

C. always keep the curtains closed.         D. give the impression that our house is occupied when we go out.

 13. The writer thinks that hiding a key under a doormat or flower pot …………

A. is predictable.            B. is useful.                    C. is imaginative.           D. is where you always find a spare key.

 14. What word best replaces “desolate” in paragraph 4?

A. isolated                      B. populous                    C. dissatisfying              D. depressing

 15. The 'aforementioned precautions' refer to steps that …………

A. will tell a burglar if your house is empty or not.           B. are the most important precautions to take to make your home safe.

C. will stop a potential burglar.                                          D. will not stop an intruder if he has decided to try and enter your home.

 16. Gaining entry to a house through a small window …………

A. is surprisingly difficult.                                                             B. is not as difficult as people think.

C. is less likely to happen than gaining entry through a door.        D. is tried only by very determined burglars.

17. According to the writer, window locks, security locks and burglar alarms …………

A. cost a lot of money but are worth it.                 B. are good value for money.

C. are luxury items.                                               D. are absolutely essential items.

 18. The writer argues that fitting a chain and an eye hole…………

A. will prevent your home being burgled.            B. avoids you having to invite people into your home.

C. is only necessary for elderly people.                D. gives you time to check if the visitor is genuine.

 19. What word best replaces “scrutinise” in paragraph 7?

A. glance                        B. gaze              C. search                        D. examine

 20. The best title for the text is …………

A. Increasing household crime.                                          B. Protecting your home from intruders.

C. What to do if a burglar breaks into your home.                 D. Burglary statistics

doc 4 trang Thúy Anh 03/08/2023 1380
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Nội dung text: Đề luyện thi vào Lớp 10 chuyên Tiếng Anh - Đề 78 (Có đáp án)

  1. ENGLISH PRACTICE 1617 – 01 – 05 Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions. - Birds that feed in flocks commonly retire together into roosts. The reasons for roosting communally are not always obvious, but there are some likely benefits. In winter especially, it is important for birds to keep warm at night and conserve precious food reserves. One way to do this is to find a sheltered roost. Solitary roosters shelter in dense vegetation or enter a cavity – horned larks dig holes in the ground and ptarmigan burrow into snow banks – but the effect of sheltering is magnified by several birds huddling together in the roosts, as wrens, swifts, brown creepers, bluebirds, and anis do. Body contact reduces the surface area exposed to the cold air, so the birds keep each other warm. Two kinglets huddling together were found to reduce their heat losses by a quarter and three together saved a third of their heat. The second possible benefit of communal roosts is that they act as "information centers." During the day, parties of birds will have spread out to forage over a very large area. When they return in the evening some will have fed well, but others may have found little to eat. Some investigators have observed that when the birds set out again next morning, those birds that did not feed well on the previous day appear to follow those that did. The behavior of common and lesser kestrels may illustrate different feeding behaviors of similar birds with different roosting habits. The common kestrel hunts vertebrate animals in a small, familiar hunting ground, whereas the very similar lesser kestrel feeds on insects over a large area. The common kestrel roosts and hunts alone, but the lesser kestrel roosts and hunts in flocks, possibly so one bird can learn from others where to find insect swarms. Finally, there is safety in numbers at communal roosts since there will always be a few birds awake at any given moment to give the alarm. But this increased protection is partially counteracted by the fact that mass roosts attract predators and are especially vulnerable if they are on the ground. Even those in trees can be attacked by birds of prey. The birds on the edge are at greatest risk since predators find it easier to catch small birds perching at the margins of the roost. 1. What does the passage mainly discuss? A. How birds find and store food B. How birds maintain body heat in the winter C. Why birds need to establish territory D. Why some species of birds nest together 2. The word "conserve" in the passage is closest in meaning to A. retain B. watch C. locate D. share 3. Ptarmigan keep warm in the winter by A. huddling together on the ground with other birds B. building nests in trees C. burrowing into dense patches of vegetation D. digging tunnels into the snow 4. The word "magnified" in the passage is closest in meaning to A. caused B. modifiedC. intensified D. combined 5. The author mentions “kinglets” in the passage as an example of birds that . A. protect themselves by nesting in holes B. nest with other species of birds C. nest together for warmth D. usually feed and nest in pairs 6. Which of the following statements about lesser and common kestrels is true? A. The lesser kestrel and the common kestrel have similar diets. B. The lesser kestrel feeds sociably but the common kestrel does not. C. The common kestrel nests in larger flocks than does the lesser kestrel. D. The common kestrel nests in trees; the lesser kestrel nests on the ground. 7. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as an advantage derived by birds that huddle together while sleeping? A. Some members of the flock warn others of impending dangers. B. Staying together provides a greater amount of heat for the whole flock. C. Some birds in the flock function as information centers for others who are looking for food. D. Several members of the flock care for the young. 8. Which of the following is a disadvantage of communal roosts that is mentioned in the passage? A. Diseases easily spread among the birds. B.Groups are more attractive to predators than individual birds are. C. Food supplies are quickly depleted. D. Some birds in the group will attack the others. 9. The word "they" in the passage refers to A. a few birdsB. mass roosts C. predators D. trees 10. The word "vulnerable" in the passage is closest in meaning to A. easy to attackB. easy to be attacked C. easy to give alarm D. easy to move around Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions. A recent survey of crime statistics shows that we are all more likely to be burgled now than 20 years ago and the police advise everyone to take a few simple precautions to protect their homes. The first fact is that burglars and other intruders prefer easy opportunities, like a house which is very obviously empty. This is much less of a challenge than an occupied house, and one which is well-protected. A burglar will wonder if it is worth the bother.
  2. There are some general tips on how to avoid your home becoming another crime statistic. Avoid leaving signs that your house is empty. When you have to go out, leave at least one light on as well as a radio or television, and do not leave any curtains wide open. The sight of your latest music centre or computer is enough to tempt any burglar. Never leave a spare key in a convenient hiding place. The first place a burglar will look is under the doormat or in a flower pot and even somewhere more 'imaginative' could soon be uncovered by the intruder. It is much safer to leave a key with a neighbour you can trust. But if your house is in a quiet, desolate area be aware that this will be a burglar's dream, so deter any potential criminal from approaching your house by fitting security lights to the outside of your house. But what could happen if, in spite of the aforementioned precautions, a burglar or intruder has decided to target your home. Windows are usually the first point of entry for many intruders. Downstairs windows provide easy access while upstairs windows can be reached with a ladder or by climbing up the drainpipe. Before going to bed you should double-check that all windows and shutters are locked. No matter how small your windows may be, it is surprising what a narrow gap a determined burglar can manage to get through. For extra security, fit window locks to the inside of the window. What about entry via doors? Your back door and patio doors, which are easily forced open, should have top quality security locks fitted. Even though this is expensive it will be money well spent. Install a burglar alarm if you can afford it as another line of defence against intruders. A sobering fact is that not all intruders have to break and enter into a property. Why go to the trouble of breaking in if you can just knock and be invited in? Beware of bogus officials or workmen and, particularly if you are elderly, fit a chain and an eye hole so you can scrutinise callers at your leisure. When you do have callers never let anybody into your home unless you are absolutely sure they are genuine. Ask to see an identity card, for example. If you are in the frightening position of waking in the middle of the night and think you can hear an intruder, then on no account should you approach the intruder. It is far better to telephone the police and wait for help. 11. A well-protected house A. is less likely to be burgled. B. is regarded as a challenge by most criminals. C. is a lot of bother to maintain. D. is very unlikely to be burgled. 12. According to the writer, we should A. avoid leaving our house empty. B. only go out when we have to. C. always keep the curtains closed.D. give the impression that our house is occupied when we go out. 13. The writer thinks that hiding a key under a doormat or flower pot A. is predictable. B. is useful. C. is imaginative. D. is where you always find a spare key. 14. What word best replaces “desolate” in paragraph 4? A. isolated B. populous C. dissatisfying D. depressing 15. The 'aforementioned precautions' refer to steps that A. will tell a burglar if your house is empty or not. B. are the most important precautions to take to make your home safe. C. will stop a potential burglar. D. will not stop an intruder if he has decided to try and enter your home. 16. Gaining entry to a house through a small window A. is surprisingly difficult.B. is not as difficult as people think. C. is less likely to happen than gaining entry through a door. D. is tried only by very determined burglars. 17. According to the writer, window locks, security locks and burglar alarms A. cost a lot of money but are worth it. B. are good value for money. C. are luxury items. D. are absolutely essential items. 18. The writer argues that fitting a chain and an eye hole A. will prevent your home being burgled. B. avoids you having to invite people into your home. C. is only necessary for elderly people.D. gives you time to check if the visitor is genuine. 19. What word best replaces “scrutinise” in paragraph 7? A. glance B. gaze C. searchD. examine 20. The best title for the text is A. Increasing household crime. B. Protecting your home from intruders. C. What to do if a burglar breaks into your home. D. Burglary statistics Read the following passage and mark the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. The English channel Engineers have dreaming of an underwater link between Britain and France (21) ___ 1802 . Finally in 1994 the Channel Tunnel ( nicknamed “ The Chunnel “ by the English ) was (22) ___ opened . This fifteen billion dollar project took seven years to (23) ___. It is about 50 km long and built 45 metres under the seabed . The trains which go through the Chunnel can travel at up 300 km/h due to the (24) ___ electrical system . The journey from London to Paris via the Chunnel takes just three hours . It is also (25) ___ for drivers since they can load their cars onto the trains . They don’t need to book in (26) ___ , as trains (27) ___ every few minutes . However, while on the train , there isn’t much to do and many (28) ___ the Chunnel for this (29) ___ the ferries , there is no duty-free shopping , no videogame parlou or refreshment stand (30) ___ can you look outside and enjoy the view . As a result , many would find the Chunnel unappealing and would take the ferry instead . 21: A. from B.during C. since D. ago
  3. 22: A . officially B. regularly C. correctly D. typically 23: A. perform B. achieve C. deal with D. complete 24: A. forward B. advanced C. higher D. increased 25: A. benefit B. handy C. advantage D. spare 26: A. advance B. time C. ahead D. future 27: A. go away B.exit C. set out D. depart 28:A. criticise B. accuse C. complain D. blame 29: A. Opposite B. Not alike C. Unlike D. Dissimilar 30: A. Nor B. Either C. Neither D. Not Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions 31: A. international B. entertain C. Vietnamese D. politics 32: A. polite B. children C. husband D. mother 33: A. economy B. communicate C. unemployment D. particular 34: A. rhinoceros B. curriculumC. kindergarten D. discriminate 35: A. project B. support C.secure D. believe 36. A. tornado B. idea C. coherent D. almost 37. A. instrument B. enthusiasm C. accent D. influence 38. A. electrician B. insincere C. argumentative D. interview 39. A. refrigerator B. cathedral C. extraordinary D. discipline 40. A. severe B. statue C. romance D. endurance Choose the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. 41. (A) All the staff in Tam's film (B) are expected to do (C) some overtime, if the need (D) rises. 42. (A) Many Civil War battles (B) were fought in Virginia than in any (C) other (D) state. 43. The arthropods, (A) including insects and spiders, (B) are great (C) economic and medical (D) significance 44. Within the Alamo (A) was one hundred and eighty men, more than (B) two thirds of whom had recently (C) migrated from (D) near-by states. 45. Even the most (A) discriminating gourmet will agree (B) that food in the south is as good (C) as any other (D) region in the country. 46: The skin receives (A) nearly (B) the third of the blood (C) pumped out (D) by the heart. 47: I (A) had my motorbike (B) repair yesterday (C) but now it still doesn’t (D) work. 48. If you are working (A) with young children in a (B) primary school, you (C) will find that teaching lively songs and rhymes (D) are very popular. 49: Paris has been (A) well-known (B) about its famous (C) monuments, beautiful music, and wonderful restaurants (D) for over 100 years. 50: Foreign students who (A) are doing a decision (B) about which school (C) to attend may not know exactly where (D) the choices are located. Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions. 51: The vase is definitely not___, but just a very good imitation. A. real B. factual C. genuine D. true 52: I walked away as calmly as I could. ___, they would have thought I was a thief. A. In case B. If soC. Or else D. Owing to 53: I like that photo very much. Could you make an ___ for me? A. increase B. enlargement C. extension D. expansion 54: Do you think you can meet the ___ given by our teacher ?. A. deadline B. line C. dead D face 55: There are several means of mass communication. The newspaper is one. Television is ___. A. another B. other C. the another D. the other. 56. We should not the other person’s formality as stiffness or unfriendliness. A. notice B. interpret C. think D. translate 57. She often battles with her daughter . her irresponsibility for disposing the garbage can. A. against/ of B. about/ away C. against/ with D. about/ of 58. His play made a tremendous .on audience. A. result B. affect C. impact D. collision 59. Unmarried middle-aged ladies usually dislike being called .although it is technically the correct word to use. A. old maidsB. spinsters C. maidens D. bachelors 60. -"Haven’t you been here before?" - "___ " A. No, I was here in 1999. B. Yes, I was here in 1999. C. No, I haven’t D. B or C 61. As a model, you have to . the art of walking in high heels. A. master B. grasp C. study D. gain
  4. 62. Smith: “I’m afraid I can’t come with you.” John: “___” A. What a shame! B. It’s shameful! C. Thank you D. I don’t think so 63. They are bring in .changes to the way the office is run. A. largeB. radical C. deep D. immense 64. Some people feel that television should give less to sport. A. programmesB. coverage C. concern D. involvement 65. I wish Ben worked as hard as Mary A. did B. hadC. does D. would 66. Mr. Lam supposes, , that he will be retiring at 60. A. like most people did B. like most people do C. as most of people D. as do most people 67. the cave was found, millions of visitors from many countries have come to look at its beauty. A. WhenB. Since C. While D. Unless 68. the steps when you go in. A. Consider B. Mind C. Attend D. Look 69. The car burst into but the driver managed to escape . A. fire B. burning C. heat D. flames 70. The interviewees are supposed to give their answers to the job offers A. on the spot B. all in all C. beyond the joke D. with in reach 71. Jane changed her major from French to business ___ A. with hopes to be able easier to locate employment B. hoping she can easier get a job C. with the hope for being able to find better a job D. hoping to find a job more easily 72. Are you sure you told me ? I don’t recall ___ about it . A. having told B. having been told C. to have told D. to have been told . 73. Before the meeting finished, they had arranged when ___ next. A. they met B. they to meet C. to meet D. should they meet 74. The staff can’t take leaves at the same time. They have to take holidays rotation. A. on B. under C. by D. in 75. The campaign raised far more than the . . . . . of $20.000. A. aim B. object C. goal D. target 76. We have a . future ahead with little comfort, food or hope. A. cruel B. pessimistic C. grim D. fierce 77. Only thoroughly unpleasant people leave the of their picnics to spoil the appearance of the countryside. A. rest B. remainder C. remains D. rester 78. She was overwhelmed with honor . recognition her bravery. A. with/of B. on/in C. by/about D. in/of 79. This is the stone bed the king had lain before he died in the 14th century. A. however B. of which C. wherever D. where 80. An accident in the power station may result in large . of radiation being released. A. numbers B. number C. amount D. amounts Mark the word(s) SIMILAR in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 81: “It is a really difficult matter to decide how to solve now. I will need time to think it over”. A. to sleep on it.B. to make it better C. to make up for it D. to think out of time 82: “He insisted on listening to the entire story”. A. part B. funny C. whole D. interesting 83: When being interviewed, you should concentrate on what the interviewer is saying or asking you. A. be related to B. be interested in C. pay all attention to D. express interest in 84: He drives me to the edge because he never stops talking. A. steers me B. irritates me C. moves me D. frightens me 85: . School uniform is required in most of Vietnamese schools. A. divided B. depended C. compulsory D. paid 86. Scientists warn of the impending extinction of many species of plants and animals. A. irrefutable B. imminent C. formidable D. absolute 87. The aircraft carrier is indispensable in naval operations against sea or shore based enemies. A. unique B. novel C. exotic D. vital 88: I’d rather stay in a hotel with all the amenities than camp in the woods. A. expenses B. friends C. sports D. conveniences 89: The most important thing is to keep yourself occupied. A. busy B. comfortable C. free D. relaxed 90: Around 150 B.C. the Greek astronomer Hipparchus developed a system to classify stars according to brightness. A. shine B. record C. categorize D. diversify the end