Tổng hợp bài tập ngữ pháp thi vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh

Fill in the blanks using AM, IS, ARE, AM NOT, ISN’T, AREN’T”:

  1. Germany, England, and Spain ………… cities.
  2. A lemon ……….. sweet. It …….. sour.
  3. Copper ……….. cheap. Diamonds ………… expensive.
  4. Airplanes …….. slow. They ………. fast.
  5. Ice cream and candy …….. sweet.
  6. Today ……… cloudy. It …….. bright.
  7. My brother ……… married. He …… single. 
  8. I ……… from Turkey. I …….. from Canada.
  9. Maths ……… hard. It ……….. easy.
  10. Mariah … a beautiful girl. She ……… ugly.
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  2. C O N T E N T S WORKSHEET 1 : Subject Pronouns and Verb “ To Be” WORKSHEET 2 : Present Simple and Present Continuous WORKSHEET 3 : Present Simple and Present Continuous WORKSHEET 4 : Present Simple, Present Continuous, Simple Past WORKSHEET 5 : Past form of verb “ To Be “ WORKSHEET 6 : Past form of verb “ To Be “ WORKSHEET 7 : Simple Past Tense WORKSHEET 8 : Simple Past and Past Continuous WORKSHEET 9 : Simple Past and Past Continuous WORKSHEET 10 : Present Perfect Tense WORKSHEET 11 : Present Perfect Tense vs Present Perfect Continuous WORKSHEET 12 : Simple Past vs Present Perfect Tense / Present Perfect Tense vs Present Perfect Continuous WORKSHEET 13 : Past Perfect Tense WORKSHEET 14 : Past Perfect Tense / Past Perfect Continuous WORKSHEET 15 : Going to WORKSHEET 16 : Future Continuous WORKSHEET 17 : Future Perfect / Future Perfect Contınuous WORKSHEET 18 : Future in the past WORKSHEET 19 : Future Forms WORKSHEET 20 : Tense Review WORKSHEET 21 : Tenses (Rewrite or Combine) WORKSHEET 22 : Correct Tense or Voice WORKSHEET 23 : Passive Form WORKSHEET 24 : Passive Form WORKSHEET 25 : Passive Form WORKSHEET 26 : Reported Speech WORKSHEET 27 : Reported Speech WORKSHEET 28 : Adjectives and Adverbs WORKSHEET 29 : Adjectives ending –ing or -ed WORKSHEET 30 : Conditionals WORKSHEET 31 : Conditionals WORKSHEET 32 : Wishes WORKSHEET 33 : Comperatives and Superlatives WORKSHEET 34 : Prepositions (at / in / on) WORKSHEET 35 : Prepositions WORKSHEET 36 : Relative Clause WORKSHEET 37 : Relative Clause WORKSHEET 38 : Modals WORKSHEET 39 : Modals 2
  3. WORKSHEET 40 : Used to / Would / Be used to WORKSHEET 41 : Some / Any / Much / Many / A lot of / (a) Few / (a) Little WORKSHEET 42 : Some- / Any- / No- with –body / -one / -thing / -where WORKSHEET 43 : Tag questions WORKSHEET 44 : Causatives WORKSHEET 45 : Both and / Neither nor / Either or / Not only but also WORKSHEET 46 : Articles WORKSHEET 47 : Purpose : So that / to / In order to / In Case WORKSHEET 48 : Reason and Result: because (of), as, since, so, as a result, therefore, WORKSHEET 49 : Contrast: although, even though, though, in spite of, despite, while, whereas, however WORKSHEET 50 : Gerund or Infinitive WORKSHEET 51 : Gerund or Infinitive WORKSHEET 52 : Pronouns WORKSHEET 53 : Pronouns WORKSHEET 54 : Reflexive Pronouns WORKSHEET 55 : Certainty, Possibility, Impossibility and Advisability WORKSHEET 56: Perfect Modals WORKSHEET 57 : Possessive “apostrophe –s-“ or “of “ WORKSHEET 58 : SO do I / NEITHER do I WORKSHEET 59: Enough / Too WORKSHEET 60: Rewrite 3
  4. WORKSHEET 1 SUBJECT : Subject Pronouns and Verb “ To Be “ A) Fill in the blanks using “HE, SHE, IT, WE, THEY”: cat and horse Mary Tom Jack and I books . sister . You and Dave plane . sunshine . cheese cactus parents Pamela news scissors geese . flowers piano . school . daughter milk children sugar feet bicycle Ann and Kate . tennis . son . mice sky . shop . buses papers Mr. Green brother-in-law picture friendship . dolphin The Riggs family B) Fill in the blanks using “AM, IS, ARE, AM NOT, ISN’T, AREN’T”: 1. It . an onion. (+) 11. İzmir a city. (+) 2. Jasmine a student. (-) 12. He a postman. (+) 3. We .friends. (+) 13. It . nine o’clock. (+) 4. I . hungry. (-) 14. Manhattan . an island. (-) 5. Mark 20 years old. (+) 15. Mr. Richards a lawyer. (+) 6. A bee a big insect. (-) 16. I ill. I . happy. (+ / -) 7. Newsweek a magazine. 17. London a big city. (+) (+) 8. I . a professional 18. Dave and Adrian sisters. They football player. (-) brothers. (- / +) 9. I know you. You . in my 19. New York . near to New Jersey. class. (+) (+) 10.Cows insects. They . 20. Susan and I teachers. We mammals. (- / +) students. (- / +) 4
  5. C) Fill in the blanks using “AM, IS, ARE, AM NOT, ISN’T, AREN’T”: 1. Germany, England, and Spain cities. 2. A lemon sweet. It sour. 3. Copper cheap. Diamonds expensive. 4. Airplanes slow. They . fast. 5. Ice cream and candy sweet. 6. Today cloudy. It bright. 7. My brother married. He single. 8. I from Turkey. I from Canada. 9. Maths hard. It easy. 10.Mariah a beautiful girl. She ugly. D) Rewrite the sentences by using “ IS, ISN’T, AM, AM NOT”: 1. London aren’t a country. .London isn’t a country 2. The United States aren’t a city. . 3. An elephant am not a small animal. . 4. English and Turkish isn’t sister languages. . 5. Mercedes aren’t a bike. . 6. Is I a student ? . 7. Mrs. Stuart aren’t a poor woman. . 8. Cigarettes isn’t good for people. 9. The North Pole am not hot. 10.Simon are from United Kingdom. E) Complete this postcard by using “AM, IS, ARE, AM NOT , ISN’T,AREN’T”: Hello! My name .is Jack, and this .is Sue. She . my sister. Sue twelve years old and I sixteen. 5
  6. We . adults. We students. We Canadians. We . Americans. We from Chicago. Chicago in the United States. Best regards, Jack F) Write short sentences: Example: (Chris, 9, student, short, not Chinese) Chris is nine years old. He is a student. He is short. He isn’t Chinese . 1. (Leonard and Mike, 25, firemen, tall, American) . 2. (Patty and Brian, 12, not electrician, short, not Turkish children) 3. (Natalie and I, nurse, not tall, French) 4. (Mark, 19, accountant, short, British) 5. (Cengiz, 23, lieutenant, not blonde, Turkish) . G) Build up sentences: 1. Mike / drummer (-) Mike isn’t a drummer 2. Charlie and Chris / policemen(+) 3. Danny and Rick / singers (-) . 4. Salem and Lucky / puppies (+) . 6
  7. 4. Maria has got her / hers suitcase, but her / hers friends haven’t got their / theirs. 5. Our / Ours flat isn’t as big as their / theirs, but our / ours is much more comfortable. 6. Have you seen my / mine coat? WORKSHEET 54 SUBJECT : Reflexive Pronouns A) Complete the sentences using MYSELF, YOURSELF, HIMSELF, HERSELF, ITSELF, OURSELVES, YOURSELVES, THEMSELVES: 1. Sue’s children are too young to look after . . 2. An elephant hurt when it tried to get out of the zoo yesterday. 3. I couldn’t borrow my mother’s car last night because she was using it . 4. I don’t need any help. I can take care of . . 5. Mr. Woods fell over and hurt when he was running for a bus. 6. Would you all like to help to sandwiches and cakes? 7. Sarah and I didn’t really enjoy . at the disco last night? 8. I taught to play the guitar; I’ve never had lessons. B) Complete each sentence using BY + A REFLEXIVE PRONOUN: 1. A: Who did you go to the cinema with? B: Nobody, I went . 2. Since the old lady’s husband died, she’s been living . 3. Did someone help you move all the furniture, or did you do it all ? 249
  8. 4. They need some help; they can’t manage . 5. The dog opened the door . . C) Complete the sentences using a REFLEXIVE PRONOUN: 1. I didn’t buy that cake from the shop. I made it . 2. A: Who built your swimming pool for you? B: Nobody. We built it . 3. Did someone phone the doctor for you? Or did you phone him ? 4. A: Who told you they were moving? B: They told me . . 5. Mr. Mason offered me the job. 6. Sally didn’t buy that sweater, she made it . D) Finish th sentences with a REFLEXIVE PRONOUN: 1. He looked at . in the mirror. 2. I’m not angry with you. I’m angry with . 3. Margaret had a nice time in London. She enjoyed . 4. My friends had a nice time in London. They enjoyed . . 5. I picked up a very hot plate and burnt . 6. He never thinks about other people. He only thinks about . 7. I want to know more about you. Tell me about . 8. Goodbye! Have a nice holiday and look after ! E) Complete the answers to the questions using MYSELF, YOURSELF, ITSELF etc. 1. Who repaired the bicycle for you? Nobody. I repaired it myself. 2. Did Brian have his hair cut by a hairdresser? No. He cut 3. Do you want me to post that letter for you? No, I’ll . 250
  9. 4. Who told you that Linda was getting married? Linda 251
  10. WORKSHEET 55 SUBJECT : Certainty, Possibility, Impossibility and Advisability A) Rewrite the sentences using the modals of CERTAINTY, IMPOSSIBILITY and POSSIBILTY: 1. Perhaps Jane will lend Tom some money. . 2. Perhaps Jane lent Tom some money. . 3. It is possible that she won’t invite you to the party. . 4. It is possible that she didn’t invite him to the party. . 5. Perhaps she is asleep. . 6. Perhaps she was asleep. . 7. I’m sure he isn’t tired. . 8. I’m sure he wasn’t tired. . 9. It is impossible that Mary knows my phone number. . 10.It is impossible that Mary knew his address. . 252
  11. 11.I’m sure she reads adventure books a lot. 12.I’m sure she wrote to the bank. 13.Maybe those children are lost. 14.Maybe those children were lost. 15.Perhaps Mary is feeling comfortable. 16.I’m sure she is driving carefully. 17.It is impossible that Lucy is studying in her room. 18.I’m sure he isn’t helping his father now. 19.It is possible that people will be traveling between the planets. B) Rewrite using modals to show CERTAINTY, POSSIBILITY, IMPOSSIBILITY: 1. Perhaps Peter lended some money to Linda. 2. It is impossible that Ken saw me because he wasn’t wearing his glasses. 3. Perhaps Martin didn’t receive my letter because he didn’t reply. 4. I’m sure he knows about the new project. 253
  12. 5. It’s impossible that he forgot the meeting. Because I called him this morning. 6. It’s possible that she will move to her new flat next week. C) Fill in the blanks with the modal verbs to show CERTAINTY, POSSIBILITY, IMPOSSIBILTY: 1. He drank two glasses of water, he (be) thirsty. 2. He isn’t more than 15 years old, he .(have) a driving licence. 3. He (watch) TV in his room, because there isn’t any noise coming. 4. The solution (be) correct, because I looked up the answer key. 5. A: Do you smell fish? B: Yes. Someone cooking fish. 6. I’m not sure, he (be) an actor, he is very handsome and rich. D) Make sentences using CERTAINTY, POSSIBILITY and IMPOSSIBILTY: 1. She / not / work / yesterday, / it / Sunday. . 2. They / not / lose / the match. / They / play / well. . 3. There / be / election / early / next year, / because / we / government / problems. . 4. Betty / fail / not / last exam. / She / do / all the answers / correctly. . E) Fill in the blanks using the verbs expressing CERTAINTY, POSSIBILITY and 254
  13. IMPOSSIBILITY: 1. Her face is red. She be telling a lie. 2. He is working hard. He be ill. 3. A: Have you done this pozzle? B: Yes, I’ve got the same answer as you. It be correct. A: Well, the answer in the book is different. So we be right. 4. A: Are John and Mary married? B: They be married. They have rings on their fingers. 5. You’ve been resting all day; you be tired. 6. I can hear Jane speaking but she’s alone in the room. She be talking to a friend on the phone. 7. A: Tom has been in his room for over an hour. What do you suppose he is doing? B: I don’t know. He be reading a book or sleeping, but he be studying because it is too late. 8. A: I need to call Howard. Do you know which hotel he’s staying at in Boston? B: Well, he . (stay) at the Holiday Inn, but I’m not sure. I think he (stay) at the Hilton, because it’s too far away from the city center. 9. A: Do you smell smoke? B: I sure do. Something (burn). 10.There . (not / be) a meeting on Friday because the director is ill. F) Rewrite the following sentences using modal verbs used for expressing CERTAINTY, POSSIBILITY and IMPOSSIBILITY: 1. Tom gets excellent grades. I’m sure he is very intelligent. 2. Perhaps Tony is in the sports center. 3. It’s possible that Liz won’t come to the party. 255
  14. 4. It’s possible that Rose is studying to be a lawyer. 5. It’s impossible that he is Canadian; I’ve ever seen his identity card. 6. I’m sure he goes to the theatre a lot. . 7. I’m sure long skirts aren’t in fashion this year. 8. Perhaps she won’t be here tomorrow. 9. Their baby-boy is ill. It is impossible that they are going to the party. 10.I’m sure he is taking the money to the bank. 11.Perhaps people will be living on the moon in the future. 12.It is possible that it will rain this afternoon. WORKSHEET 56 SUBJECT : Perfect Modals A) Complete the sentences using PERFECT MODALS: 256
  15. 1. We didn’t go out last night. We (go) to the cinema but we decided to stay at home. 2. Jerry passed the examination. He didn’t study very much for it. The exam . (be) very difficult. 3. A: I wonder where Tom was going when you saw him. B: He (go) to work. 4. Thank you for doing the washing-up but you . (do) it really. I was going to do it later. 5. The driver in front stopped suddenly without warning and I drove in to the back of his car. It wasn’t my fault. He (give) warning that he was going to stop. 6. A: How do you think the fire started? B: Well, I suppose someone . (drop) a cigarette. 7. A: What time is it? B: Well, we came at seven, and I’m sure we’ve been here for at least an hour. So it . (be) around eight o’clock. 8. A: Jack was absent yesterday afternoon. Where was he? B: I don’t know. He (go) to a movie or he (be) at home. 9. I had a test this morning. I didn’t do well on the test because I didn’t study for it last night. I (study) it. B) Fill in the blanks using MUST (HAVE), CAN’T (HAVE), MAY-MIGHT- COULD (HAVE): 1. She knew everything about our plans. She . (listen) to our conversation. 2. He (eat) the roasted beef when we were out. He is a vegeterian. 3. Mrs. White bought a new fur coat! She (win) a lottery. 4. John said he would ring, but he hasn’t. He . (forget) all about it. 5. It is possible that he wasn’t taken to the cinema last weekend. He (not / take) to the cinema. 6. The children . (study) in the library now, because they have a test tomorrow. 257
  16. 7. The singer has got a sore throat, so she . (sing) at the concert. 8. I (be) at home this evening or I . (be) but I’m not sure. C) Rewrite the following sentences using MUST / CAN’T / MAY / MIGHT with the suitable infinitive forms (+infinitive or +perfect infinitive) according to their tenses: 1. It is possible that they will not reach agreement. 2. Perhaps you found you made a mistake. 3. It is certain that our boss will give a rise in our salary. 4. It is impossible that she won the beauty contest last year. 5. Perhaps parents will find that they cannot understand the new teaching methods being introduced in primary schools. 6. It is not impossible that the Government’s policy will prove to be little short of disastrous. 7. I’m sure Jane got 5 in her last exam. 8. I’m sure you will catch the 5 o’clock train. 9. It is possible that he changed his mind after I had offered him the job. 258
  17. 10.I’m sure Tom didn’t visit his parents last year because he was abroad and very busy. D) Complete the responses to the statements, using MUST or CAN’T to suggest what seems to be most likely explanations: 1. His fiancée writes him everyday. She must 2. I don’t seem to have my key with me . I must 3. He drives a Rolls-Royce and his wife a Mercedes. They must . 4. He has no idea what the book is about. He can’t 5. He talks about going to the moon next year. He must 6. She didn’t reply to his letter. She can’t 7. He wears glasses all the time. His eyesight can’t 8. He said he would ring, but he hasn’t. He must 9. The last bus has already gone. It must than I thought. 10.I’m amazed that she married him so soon. She can’t 259
  18. WORKSHEET 57 SUBJECT : Possessive “apostrophe –s-“ or “of” A) Complete the sentences. Use the words in brackets with the POSSESSIVE ‘S or OF: Example: Have you seen Steven Spielberg’s new film? (the new film / Steven Spielberg) Have you repaired the wheel of the bicycle? (the wheel / the bicycle) 1. We had to leave the cinema early so we didn’t see . (the end / the film) 2. We met Sue and Frank at . (the party / Sarah) 3. My flat is on (the top floor / the house) 4. The bus crashed into (the back / my car) 5. We heard the news from . (a friend / the woman who works in the post office) 6. There’s a hospital at . . (the end / this road) 7. I’ve spoken to (the parents / the girls) 8. The police want to interview . (the manager / the Black Cat Club) B) Complete the sentences using the correct form of the POSSESSIVE ‘S: 1. What is your friend name? 2. Sarah found somebody credit cards in the street. 3. The Eiffel Tower is Paris most famous landmark. 4. The boys bedroom has just been painted. 5. I read about a murder in this morning . newspaper. 6. Can you borrow your parents . car at the weekend? 260
  19. 7. I need to get some medicine. Is there a chemist near here? C) Rewrite the following using the correct POSSESSIVE form: 1. the butterflies – the wings the butterflies’ wings . 2. the students – the books 3. drive – three hours 4. the department store – the staff . 5. living – the cost 6. some friends – my brother 7. bread – the price 8. the baby – the pram 9. John and Paul – the wives 10. the men – the changing rooms . 11. the sea – the waves 12. a climb – two hundred metres 13. Lucy and Emily – the mother . 14. the house – my father’s closest friend 15. the president – the decisison 16. my physics professor – the report 17. the park – the playground 18. the Smiths – the car 19. my mother-in-law – the garden 261
  20. D) Answer the questions: 1. Is this your car? No, it isn’t. It’s Ben’s. (Ben) 2. Are these your boots? No, (Jim) 3. Are these Sue’s glasses? No, . (Eric) 4. Is that your dress? No, .( Karen) 5. Is this my jacket? No, (Mr. Jackson) 6. Are these your shirts? No, (Mike) 7. Is that your grandmother’s dress? No, (my mother) 262
  21. WORKSHEET 58 SUBJECT : SO do I / NEITHER do I A) Use SO / NEITHER Auxiliary verb + Subject: 1. I’m feeling tired. . So am I . 2. I don’t like eggs. 3. I need a holiday. 4. I don’t like milk. 5. I couldn’t get up this morning. 6. I’d love a cup of tea. . 7. I’ve never been to Africa. 8. I was ill yesterday. 9. I should smoke less. 10.I spent the whole evening watching television . 11.I didn’t know that Ann was in hospital. B) Felix has just met Vicky at a party. They are finding out that they have a lot in 263
  22. common. Put in the sentences with SO and NEITHER: Felix : I haven’t been to a party for ages. Vicky: Neither have I. I hate crowded rooms. Felix : So do I . I’m not a party-goer, really. 1. Vicky: I can’t make conversation. 2. Felix : I’m a quiet sort of person. 3. Vicky: I live alone in a bedsitter. 4. Felix : I haven’t got many friends. 5. Vicky: And I would really like a good friend. 6. Felix : Oh, . C) Look at the table and complete the sentences: Mike Lorna Paul Marie Swimming * * Tennis * * Cycling * * Chess * * 1. Mike can swim, and so can Lorna. . 2. Marie isn’t keen on tennis, and . neither is Mike. 3. Paul doesn’t like swimming, and . 4. Marie has got a bike, and . 5. Mike can’t play chess, and . 6. Lorna isn’t keen on cycling, and . 7. Paul plays tennis, and . 8. Marie is a chess player, and . WORKSHEET 59 SUBJECT : Enough / Too A) Complete the sentences. Use ENOUGH with one of these words: big eat fruit loud old practise sugar time tired 264
  23. 1. A: “Is there . enough sugar in your coffee?” B: “Yes, thank you.” 2. Can you hear the radio? Is it loud enough for you? 3. He can leave school if he wants – he’s . 4. Did you have to answer all the questions in the exam? 5. This house isn’t for a large family. 6. Tina is very thin. She doesn’t . 7. You don’t eat . You should eat more – it’s good for you. 8. It’s late but I don’t want to go to bed now. I’m not . . 9. Lisa isn’t a very good tennis player because she doesn’t . . B) Complete the sentences. Use ENOUGH with the words in brackets: 1. We haven’t got . enough money to buy . a car. (money / buy) 2. This knife isn’t tomatoes. (sharp / cut) 3. The water wasn’t a bath. (warm / have) 4. Have we got . sandwiches? (bread make) 5. We played well but not the game. (well / win) 6. I don’t have . newspaper. (time / read) C) Put in TOO or ENOUGH: 1. You’re always at home. You don’t go out enough. 2. I can’t wait for them. I haven’t got . time. 3. You’re always tired. I think you work hard. 4. A: Did you have . to eat? B: Yes, thank you. 5. You don’t eat vegetables. You should eat more. 6. I don’t like the weather here. It’s cold. 7. The radio isn’t loud . Can you turn it up, please? 8. She speaks fast for me to understand. 9. Don’t buy that coat. It’s nice but it isn’t long . 265
  24. 10.He can’t reach the shelf. He isn’t tall . D) Complete the sentences. Use TOO or ENOUGH with the words in brackets: 1. I couldn’t work. I . was too tired. . (tired) 2. Can you turn the radio up, please? It isn’t loud enough. . (loud) 3. I don’t want to walk home. It’s (far) 4. Don’t buy anything in that shop. It . (expensive) 5. You can’t put all your things in this bag. It (big) 6. I couldn’t do the exercise. It . (difficult) 7. Your work needs to be better. It (good) 8. I can’t talk to you now. I . (busy) 9. I thought the film was boring. It . . (long) E) Complete the sentences. Use TOO (+adj.) + TO (do something): 1. (I’m not going out / cold) It’s too cold to go out. 2. (I’m not going to bed / early) It’s . 3. (they’re not getting married / young) They’re 4. (nobody goes out at night / dangerous) It’s . 5. (don’t phone Ann now / late It’s . 6. (I didn’t say anything / surprised) I was . 266
  25. WORKSHEET 60 267
  26. SUBJECT : Rewrite A) Rewrite the following sentences: 1. Perhaps I will get a high mark. I 2. Let’s go to the cinema tonight. . 3. The last time she phoned me was three months ago. She 4. No school is more successful than Hill School. 5. Don’t use this pen. You 6. They grew the best vegetables. The best vegetables 7. The children were happy. They saw Micky Mouse. (so) The children 8. He’ll play with his friends. At first he’ll finish watering the flowers. (Before) 9. There is nobody at the door. There is . 10.It is a month since I visited them. 11.It is necessary for him to go there. He . 12.It is possible that they’ll return on Monday. They . 13.You aren’t allowed to park here. You mustn’t park here. 14.There isn’t much coffee in the cup. There is . 15.Do you want to go skiing with me? Would 16.John’s marks are worse than Jane’s. Jane’s . 17.Was it necessary for you to check? . 18.I have never eaten such a bad pie before. This is . 268
  27. 19.He knows how to play the piano. He 20.There can’t be a more popular singer than Madonna. Madonna is 21.My mother doesn’t let me go to bed late. I’m not . 22.There aren’t many oranges in the fridge. There are . 23.I would like to buy a new dress. I 24.Why don’t we go to the cinema? . 25.I advise you to make a surprise for him. You . 26.It is forbidden to walk on the railway. You . 27.I don’t know the boys. They are fighting in the street. (gerund) I don’t . 28.I prefer to drive rather than travel by train. I 29.We had better stop for petrol soon. The tank is almost empty. We 30.Because it was raining a lot, we didn’t go out. 31.Although the traffic was bad, I arrived on time. 269