Tổng hợp bài tập ngữ pháp thi vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - Worksheet 39: Modals

  1. I can’t find my book. I ……………………………………………….. (leave) it on the bus.
  2. They don’t answer their phone; they ……………………………………… (go) away on their vacation.
  3. John went to the movies last night, but he ……………………………………….. (stay) at home and …………………………………….. (prepare) his lessons.
  4. The lights have gone out. A fuse ……………………………………………. (blow).
  5. She …………………………………. (go) to school. It’s Saturday.
  6. You were stupid to go skiing here. You …………………………………………… (break) your leg.
  7. She ……………………. (sing) like an angel when she was a kid.
  8. ……………………….. I make a suggestion?
  9. You ……………………… go and see “Batman”. It’s a great film.
  10. He came home alone. You ………………………………………… (let) him do that; he ……………………………………… (get) lost.
docx 5 trang Huệ Phương 04/04/2023 3960
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Nội dung text: Tổng hợp bài tập ngữ pháp thi vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - Worksheet 39: Modals

  1. WORKSHEET 39 SUBJECT : Modals A) Use a suitable present or past MODAL AUXILIARY: 1. I can’t find my book. I (leave) it on the bus. 2. They don’t answer their phone; they (go) away on their vacation. 3. John went to the movies last night, but he (stay) at home and (prepare) his lessons. 4. The lights have gone out. A fuse . (blow). 5. She . (go) to school. It’s Saturday. 6. You were stupid to go skiing here. You (break) your leg. 7. She . (sing) like an angel when she was a kid. 8. I make a suggestion? 9. You go and see “Batman”. It’s a great film. 10.He came home alone. You (let) him do that; he (get) lost. 11.He read the message but he (not) understand. 12.I . (lend) you the money. Why didn’t you ask me? 13.A: Can I have some sweets? I am hungry. B: You hungry. You have just had dinner. 14.Tom . (write) this, because it is in French and he doesn’t know French. 15.He looked so tired. He (work) very hard. 16.He . be a very clever boy. He has entered the university very easily.
  2. B) Fill in the blanks using MUST, CAN’T, MAY, MIGHT, COULD and PAST FORMS of them: 1. Sally looks sad and worried. She (have) a problem with something. 2. Bob (be) at school because I haven’t seen him today. 3. Mr. Treves hasn’t come to work yet. He has never been late for work. He . (miss) the bus. 4. Timmy is a very good boy. He isn’t naughty, so he (break) that window. Someone else (break) it. 5. I’m sure that I dropped my key in the car. It (be) there at the moment. 6. The street is wet this morning. I’m not sure but it . (rain) last night. 7. A: I talked to your science teacher at school yesterday. B: You . (talk) to her because she wasn’t at school yesterday. 8. A: The man was being taken to hospital. He . (have) an accident. B: Yes, I’m sure he had an accident. 9. A: Will you come to my birthday party tomorrow? B: I (come) to your party because I have to look after my little sister. 10.A: I’m going to do a parachute jump next week. B: You are going to jump out of an aeroplane! But you’re 73 years old! You . (be) serious. You (be) mad. A: It really (be) wonderful looking down on everything. I’ve always wanted to try it.
  3. B: But anything could happen. You (be) injured, or even killed. I wouldn’t take the risk. A: Well, your life . (be) much fun if you never take risks. You ought to try it, too. You never know. You (enjoy) it. B: Enjoy it! You (be) joking. 11.She knew everything about our plans. She (listen) to our conversation. 12.He (eat) the roasted beef when we were out. He is a vegeterian. 13.Mrs. White bought a new fur coat! She (win) a lottery. 14.John said he would ring, but he hasn’t. He (forget) all about it. 15.The children (study) in the library now because they have a test tomorrow. 16.The singer has got a sore throath, so she . (sing) at the concert. 17.I (be) at home this evening, or I (be) out, I’m not sure. 18.He drank three glasses of water. He (be) very thirsty. 19.A: Where’s the cat? B: It (go) out, the door is closed. 20.The police arrested him right away. They (find) enough evidence. 21.He had no money, so he (lend) you some. 22.We can’t wait any longer. Something (do) immediately.
  4. 23.They all shouted in fear. They . (be) very afraid. 24.A: Your dog bit me as I was standing in the hall. B: It (be) my dog. It was with me all day. 25.A: I phoned you at 9 o’clock this morning and got no answer. B: I . (be) in the garden. I planted some flowers this morning. 26.My grandmother always has a rest at this time of the day, so she . (take) a nap now. 27.Mrs. Green wasn’t good at ice-skating, but she insisted on and broke her leg. She . (give) up doing that. 28.A: I’m afraid Ted is watching TV again. B: He . (watch) TV, because his room is completely silent and dark. He (sleep). 29.That carpet was made by hand. It . (take) a long time to make it. C) Put an asterisk (*) for what you MUST, MUSTN’T or NEEDN’T do and then write them down as in the examples: MUST MUSTN’T NEEDN’T tidy your room cheat on the exams do your homework regularly listen to the teacher visit the teacher run in the halls talk during the test wake up early at weekends get to class late
  5. wash your hand before meal wear a tie at the parties 1. . I must tidy my room. . 2. . I mustn’t cheat on the exams. . 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. D) Complete the sentences with MUST / MUSTN’T or NEEDN’T: Examples: I haven’t got much time. I . must . hurry. I have got plenty of time. I . needn’t . hurry. 1. “Do you want me to wait for you?” “No, it’s okay. You wait.” 2. Smith gave me a letter to post. I forget to post it. 3. You come if you don’t want to but I hope you will. 4. We have enough food at home so we . go shopping today. 5. This book is very valuable. You . look after it very carefully and you lose it. 6. You have got a new skirt, so you buy another. 7. It’s holiday tomorrow. You . get up early. 8. He’s ill, so he see the doctor. 9. It’s snowing. You put on your coat. 10.You . take too many aspirins in one day.