Tổng hợp bài tập ngữ pháp thi vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - Worksheet 43: Tag questions

Put A QUESTION TAG at the end of each sentence:

  1. Tom won’t be late, ………….. will he ………….... ?
  2. They were very angry, …………………………….. ?
  3. Ann’s on holiday, ………………………………….. ?
  4. You weren’t listening, ………………………………?
  5. Sue doesn’t like onions, …………………………….?
  6. Jack’s applied for the job, …………………………..? 
  7. You’ve got a camera, ………………………………. ?                 
  8. You can type, ………………………………………..?
  9. He won’t mind if I go early, …………………………?
  10. Tom could help you, ……………………………….. ?
  11. There are a lot of people here, ……………………… ?
  12. Let’s have dinner, ……………………………………?
  13. This isn’t very interesting, ………………………….. ?
  14. I’m too fat, ………………………………………….. ?
  15. You wouldn’t tell anyone, ………………………….. ?
  16. Listen, ………………………………………………..?
  17. I shouldn’t have got angry, …………………………. ?
  18. Don’t drop it, ……………………………………….. ?
  19. They had to go home, ………………………………. ?
  20. He’d never seen you before, …………………………?
docx 3 trang Huệ Phương 04/04/2023 4880
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Nội dung text: Tổng hợp bài tập ngữ pháp thi vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - Worksheet 43: Tag questions

  1. WORKSHEET 43 SUBJECT : Tag questions A) Put A QUESTION TAG at the end of each sentence: 1. Tom won’t be late, will he ? 2. They were very angry, ? 3. Ann’s on holiday, ? 4. You weren’t listening, ? 5. Sue doesn’t like onions, .? 6. Jack’s applied for the job, ? 7. You’ve got a camera, . ? 8. You can type, ? 9. He won’t mind if I go early, ? 10.Tom could help you, ? 11.There are a lot of people here, ? 12.Let’s have dinner, ? 13.This isn’t very interesting, ? 14.I’m too fat, ? 15.You wouldn’t tell anyone, ? 16.Listen, ? 17.I shouldn’t have got angry, . ? 18.Don’t drop it, ? 19.They had to go home, . ? 20.He’d never seen you before, ? B) Write a sentence with A QUESTION TAG: 1. You are with a friend outside a restaurant. You are looking at the prices. It’s very expensive. What do you say? . It’s very expensive, isn’t it? 2. You look out of the window. It’s a beautiful day. What do you say to your friend? It’s . . 3. You’ve just come out of the cinema with your friend. You both really enjoyed the film. You thought it was great. What do you say? The film .
  2. 4. Tom’s hair is much shorter. Clearly he has had his hair cut. What do you sat to him? You . 5. You are shopping. You are trying on a jacket. You look in the mirror: it doesn’t look very nice. What do you say to your friend? It . 6. You are talking about Bill. You know that Bill works very hard. Everyone knows this. What do you say about Bill? Bill . C) Complete the conversation. Put in the QUESTION TAGS: Mary : Let’s go out somewhere tonight, . Jeff : All right. Where? Mary :You haven’t got a local paper, . Pass it over here, . Thanks. Well, there’s a disco at the Grand Hotel. Jeff : Fine, but I haven’t got any money. You couldn’t lend me five pounds, Mary : OK, I’ll pay then. I’ll meet you outside at eight o’clock. Don’t be late, . D) Put A QUESTION TAG at the end of each sentence: 1. You don’t like this music, . ? 2. Robert isn’t at work today, ? 3. I’m too late, ? 4. You haven’t seen the newspaper, ? 5. Lynne speaks French and German, ? 6. They didn’t go to the concert, ? 7. You’d like to have something to eat, .? 8. We’re leaving tomorrow, ? 9. You couldn’t do me a favour, ? 10.You don’t know where Sarah is, .? 11.Switch on the light for me, ? 12.Don’t forget to lock the door, ? 13.Nobody was watching the TV, ?
  3. 14.Everyone will be here soon, ? 15.Nothing terrible has happened, . ? 16.There’s plenty of time, ? 17.Pass me that magazine, . ? 18.Let’s have a cup of tea, . ? 19.It’s a good restaurant, ? 20.You haven’t seen my keys, ? E) Add TAG QUESTIONS to the following: 1. They want to come, don’t they ? 2. Elizabeth is a dentist, ? 3. They won’t be here, ? 4. There aren’t any problems, . ? 5. That is your umbrella, . ? 6. George is a student, . ? 7. He’s learned a lot in the last couple of years, . ? 8. He has a bicyce, ? 9. Joan can’t come with us, ? 10.She’ll help us later, ? 11.Peggy would like to come with us to the party, ? 12.Those aren’t Fred’s books, ? 13.You’ve never been to Paris, . ? 14.Something is wrong with Jane today, ? 15.Everyone can learn how to swim, ? 16.Nobody cheated on the exam, ? 17.Nothing went wrong while I was gone, .:. ? 18.I am invited, ?